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RE: I stopped smoking... but gained 6 kilos in the process :(

in #sndbox7 years ago

Oh yeah, about the other one, it is a delicate subject and there will always be opinions in favor and some against...
I get the phases part, it is the same for me, sometimes it is very easy and sometimes it is too hard for me to nost smoke that I have to get out of a room if someone is smoking there.

Yeah, replacing an addiction for another one "less harmless" is a good idea, especially if you are trying to quit once and for all.

i want to go to the gym but for my it is kind of pointless, I enjoy playing sports but going to the gym to run in a machine and push some weights... meh, its not for me man.


I was close to writing a similar post to this recently.

I know how you feel man, and 'addictive personality' they call it.

Check out the lovely @abigail-dantes's recent blog regarding addiction (where I commented with a similar list to you!)