hereWhat are you doing here? You should go read first the introduction for this Quest made by @guyfawkes4-20
We’re glad to announce that the second Quest of the Sndbox Summer Camp was a complete success and we’re proud to bring you the next quest of this series of challenges that might get you a place in our Summer Camp and eventually into @Sndbox. In case you’re new and don’t know what this is, feel free to read more about our project on here and here.
This time we’re focusing on Philosophy, Psichology and Sociology.
The first and second Quests were difficult and this one will prove to be perhaps the most difficult one because of the complexity of the topics so we hope you are ready and bring your A game.
Special thanks to @Sndbox, @voronoi, and @hansikhouse for giving us the opportunity to do this.
Task One: Analyze a Steemit situation
It doesn´t matter if you are doing the Philo, Pshico or Socio Quest, the situation to analyze will be the same for everyone. Approaching from your field, you have to make an in-depth post analyzing one of the next situations:
- Rettention rate - Explore this idea considering that user rettention is below 20%. Projects like OCD have a user rettention above 80%.
- Newbie onboarding - Most minnows when they join Steemit have to deal with it without knowing the drill or if they are lucky, they are onboarded by another minnow who is not very familiar with the whole ecosystem.
- Steemfluencers - Are whales the influencers of the future? What implictions does that have?
- Voting behaviour - Voting rings, selfvoting, autovotes etc.
- Content quality vs quantity - Self expalined.
The examples I gave after each topics are just that, examples, but you are a person of analysis so you can do whatever you want with any of the topics (just one) and attack and dismember it however you want.
Task Two: Analyze a situation in real life
It doesn´t matter if you are doing the Philo, Pshico or Socio Quest, pick a subject related to your area of expertise and break it down and find a correlation with the crypto environment. For example, making friends in real life and the psichological implications of being part of a social group, and translate that to the communities on Steemit - again, this is just an example, you can play with this task however you want.
Task Three: Make a video/written post
You will either have to make a recording of yourself or a written post; it’s up to you, where you’re talking about your journey into phiolosophy, psichology or sociology and also why you want to be part of @Sndbox.
Final Task:Make a compilation post
You will also have to create a compilation post where you include all the tasks mentioned above, so we don’t miss any of them. Make sure to use the tag #sndboxquest for the tasks and the tag #sndboxsummercamp for the final compilation post but do not use both in one post.
For your posts use the title Sndbox Summer Camp Philosophy or Psichology or Sociology - Task X.
If any of the recorded content is in another language, you have to use English subtitles. All the content must be original and made special for the Sndbox Summer Camp, the reuse of older content is prohibited.
In case you have any questions make sure to ask us down below because @guyfawkes4-20 and I will try to reply as many as possible.
The deadline is April the 10th at 11:59 PST.
Completing the Quest does not guarantee you a spot in the Summer Camp, nor being selected guarantees you a place in @Sndbox

Hello @anomadsoul, I thought literature would be a part of this quest, or has it been shifted to another quest?
Thanks for the opportunity, you are giving us.
I don't think it has been done yet but there is still time don't worry about it :)
I and the rest of the Promo-mentors will be rooting for you!
Oh thank God, I thought I had missed it.
Thanks man, I appreciate that.
I have a question about the sndboxquest and its title
you said the title must be like this: Sndbox Summer Camp Philosophy or Psichology or Sociology - Task X
but I wonder if the title can be changed? Like using something like this:
"""My actual title XXXXX : Sndbox Summer Camp Philosophy or Psichology or Sociology - Task X""" ?
So the subject I am sharing is first and the sndbox tittle is second?
Yes, good question. I agree with this suggestion, seems a better way to get people to read the contribution you have.
I'm doing it that way and they've upvoted both my posts, so presumably they're ok with it.
thank you for sharing, hopefully healthy always for youvery useful information @anomadsoul.
Hello @anomadsoul, I really wish there were literary arts, like poetry sir, it would be mind-blowing for peeps Like us is about that time! Great work @sndbox team.
Ok, do we need to have any attempt to solve the problems since according to my opinion, this task is to analyze and to think.
Exactly, no need to "solve" anything, just to analyze this issues in the best way you can, perhaps you can identify reasons why they exist, how did they appear, how would you solve them etc. but you don´t "have" to do something specific because philo/psicho/socio are very free and open to interpretation and more argumentative rather than "from A to B".
can I write in spanish , or is it only in English?
Is there a number of words required per tasks? Like minimum words or maximum words?
Saludos amigo @anomadsoul! podria participar en español, cierto?
Hi, how're you doing today?
This is an interesting challenge, hope that I could make it to the summer camp.
I did some research into theories and conceptual ideas relevant to the topic I chose (this doesn't take much time usually, I use similar techniques in my own real-life business for problem-solving) and have done a post for task 1.
Thank you again for the opportunities you have given to us the planktons. Have a good day.
So each task is its own post, correct?
Woooowwww!!!! la 1era tarea parece más un tema estadístico y probabilisto que algo filosófico o psicológico, imagino que habrá que enfocarse más en la parte sociológica del asunto.
Las otras dos tareas si tienen algo más reflexivo que analizar....el reto no es sencillo, pero tampoco imposible.
Count me in....
Ok I have a question, these four task are to be published at the same time? Can we have in-between post from one task to another? What is the meaning of our existence? Wait I'll save that last one for my posts lol.
Very interesting. As I'm a philosopher, and very eager to learn more about all of this, I think this would be the right place for me. So I'll start working on my entries, but wanted to thank you for organising this and creating this opportunity. This 'Summer Camp' sounds a little overwhelming, but I guess learning things always feels like that...
Nice quest... I was looking for some kind of new posting direction - sometimes life is easier with a little structure.
I'll have a go at knocking something up! Should be fun.
I was actually thinking you would make a great participation, I was beginning to wonder if you saw the post! So glad you did :D
Cheers - Just about in time - It's A level revision season, so Ive had to focus on that for the past week, and Ive just sold my flat which is another whole load of work (and a relief!).
Now Im on top of everything else (just about) I can get back to Steemit a bit more, at least for a long weekend! SteemCampUK on Sat which coincides nicely too.
I just checked out the sociology tag folks - now there's an easy one to top the trending tables!
We know we are late on this, but good luck to those entering and although the tasks might seem difficult, you wont regret trying!. This experience can challenge you in great ways! 😊
Well I got something out! Not the best, but kind of a new direction, thanks for the competition! a link to my hub post, in case I got the damn tags wrong, bit ranty BTW.
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