So you want to be part of Sndbox? This is your chance!
This Quest is only for those Steemians who are experienced about photography and Filmmaking. Don´t wory, if you are not a photographer or filmmaker, your time will come, we are planning of including all the popular subjects here on Steemland, so be patient my friend. There will be plenty of Quests related to other subjects but, in order to be fair and to keep competition towards the same objectives, we decided to make Themed Quests.
Skirumar Rao used to say:
We have the ability to craft a life where we are completely fulfilled. We think it is dependent on outsiders, and to some extent it is, but it is much more dependent on the attitude we bring to life.
This is true. It doesn´t matterour own abilities and special crafts, we all have the chance to forge out path and this is your chance to take the first step to become part of the most supportive blockchain based project incubator.
You see, we know that everyone has a differnt set of skills and it would be ilogical to make a Quest where we would ask musicians and writers to bake the best cake... it doesn´t make sense right? We decided to make it fair and square and only have photographers and filmmakers to compete here. But don´t be deceived, this Quest will prove to bring out the best out of every Steemian who decides to join and it if not for the faint of courage and dedication.
The Photography and Filmmaking Quest
Are you a skilled photograher? Do you find passion in writing scripts? Can you envision a photo or a scene when you walk into a scenario? Do you think that an image says more than 1,000 words?
Then this Quest is for you.
Without any question, photography is the most popular themed tag used on Steemit and we know there are a lot of photographers spanning from amateur to profesional level; on the other hand, filmmaking is a topic that doesn´t have a lot of Steemians exploring it but we know you are out there, we know there are amazing film makers using Steemit but perhaps they don´t fin the support to post about it.
Well, this is your chance to excel at one of these topics and, by completing this Quest, to have the chance to get constant support from @sndbox during the Summer Camp.
To properly complete this Quest you will need all of your resources and skills to be on point because this will not be an easy taskk, they require a lot of experience and knowledge in the field; not everyone can take a great photograph on a dark night in the wild, or capture the very moment when a kid is laughing while playing with his mother; not all of us can portray a small story that touches out heart in less than 4 minutes.
It requires effort, dedication, knowledge to do all of this, and to actually post about it. To document every step of the process is not easy, you have to have a calling to actually love what you do here.
If you don´t blog about photography or filmmaking, this quest will prove to be very hard for you, but falter not, my friend, because there will be plenty of Quests ahead regarding your favorite topic.
If you are a photographer or filmmaker then, what are you waiting for? Go directly to @guyfawkes4-20 post to read the requirements and rules to join this Quest in the search of being part of the Sndbox Summer Camp.
Sndbox Summer Camp: Photography and Filmmaking Quest | Rules

Wishing all the best for those who enter this quest. The subquests will definitely push you as a photographer or film maker. We are sure @anomadsoul and @guyfawkes4-20 will have massive headaches judging this one as there are soooo many photographers on here. Hopefully, many will get involved. 😊
I believe my time will soon come cos I'm not a photographer or filmmaker.
Kudos to you guys for the great job you are doing
hey thats a good iniciative to help the whole community of Steemit .. Sad i am not that good taking pictures. but i'll check out .. Regards :)
Extending the quests to other fields will enable more people to be involved and have an opportunity to improve their Steemit experience
Exactly! We are planning on including most of the popular topics among Steemians!
Certainly amazing! I will broadcast it to as many photographers as I know phographers as I know. @mjphotography get in nere
Perfect! Thank you for sharing this Quest, let´s hope a lot of people join!
I'm keeping an eye on this. I'm sure I'm going to enjoy it. Up Up @sndbox
I will follow these publications closely until my time comes; I think it's a great idea, thank you.
Wow it's interesting, Unfortunately my blog about art so It's not my chance. I will wait for art quest.
There is going to be a drawing and painting Quest very soon :D
Thanks I hope I can take part of that.
Nice post. How about Indonesia steemian?
Are we get meet you in Indonesia?
Not a photographer, nor a filmmaker.
Pity. I'll wait for the writer's initiative.
In the meantime, I'll get thrilled for the participants!
There will be a writing Quest very soon my friend :D
Im a good writer, one with a wild and wide imagination. I'm however, not a skilled photographer
Find and start a collab. :-)
Woww suena muy interesante este proyecto :D
@anomadsoul, That's great chance to photographers and film makers. I'm not a professional both fields. But I have some photography qualification. I believe my time will come correct place. I looked from here most of quests coming soon. So I can patience. Most impressive task arrange by @sndbox. It's amazing and hoping to more contents. Yep..Most of steemians used tag is a photography. But photography is a art, not easy to take capture on-time. It has story tale. Waiting to participate and stay blessed.
Good luck to all those taking part, its hard work but also fun, and thats what Steemit and life is all about!!
ok it's my time !, thanks for informing
Sounds interesting but I’m not a photographer or filmmaker.
Support sndbox anyway!
Joy why didn´t you joined the Travel Quest?! :O
What's that? Sorry, lately I've been off the internet sometimes. Will for sure check it out now. Thanks for telling me this, Eric!
@rubencress you got this one bro!
I am extremely excited to take part in this experience! Thank you to @travelling-two for showing me this project, and thank you @anomadsoul and @guyfawkes4-20 for setting it up :) I cant wait to get started!
I can´t wait to see what you got!
it's great , i hope sndbox will have some Quests for painters too
Of course! Very soon we will have a drawing and painting quest!
! that will be great :)
I am accepting the challenge, but it's called Summer Camp, so I'm wondering how many challenges there will be in the summer, as I will be overseas for the whole month of August with no access to a computer for downloading stuff from my DSLR. Of course, I will have my iPhone 8 Plus with me, and I do use that for some professional work. :-)
The summer camp will take place in June 1-30 so don´t worry! And there will be no tasks in June, it will be a different dynamic :D
Ah, Ok! Im having some difficulty uploading the video
to d-tube. 😢 I started over, and it seems to be working now!!
Awesome! If you are still haveing trouble upload with dlive
Good luck to my padawans of choice, @amymya and @dawnsheree
Tenchu. Hahaha my editing and photography skills are that of a novice. ^^
Got neither of those two skills :(
I write fiction/poems.Any quest for writers?
There will be a quest for writers soon!
I am skilled in:
Hopefully there will be a summer program for that... you guys can call it perpetual hibernation program and I'll sign up for it before the event is even announced.
Are you me? Those two are my top choice!
Yes, I am you.. and we are in dire need of money, please transfer all your steem/sbd over.. hahaha.. just kidding... Thanks for your effort for the sndbox program, it is an integral part of Steemit
so sad that I read all of this just now and I'm unable ti join this quest, I hope to take my shot the next time!