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It’s time to share your thoughts again.
Less is morelink).This time we have partnered with @manouche who is looking to explore the concept in architecture, after being inspired by @voronoi's #antipost (
Less is more was coined by modernist Mies van der Rohe (link). Since then the saying has been adopted by many, and altered by some to statements such as; "Less is a bore" or @manouche's favourite "Mess is more".
Finish the statement below (or feel free to adapt if you wish).
“Less is _______”
The best comments will be shared with CritDay followers.
Looking forward to reading your comments.
Less is restraint.
It’s knowing when to stop isn’t it?
Hahaha. Yes. I have a new one - Less is relative.
Another good one @manouche!
... opportunity for more :P
This is cheating.
@manouche 🤣
Less is... a logical and resourceful concept at first but then you come to the realization that you really do miss all those cool things you once had.
It seems like a good idea to begin with!
Less makes one poor.
Thank you for getting involved @kathleenscarboro