Sndbox Summer Camp: QUEST 1
@Anomadsoul and I were blown away by the amount of interaction we got on the announcement posts; many people are excited about this opportunity, so we are glad to get the first quest out. We know that we should've made these posts on 1st March, but because we want everything to be perfect, we had to brainstorm a little bit more with @voronoi and @hansikhouse to make sure everything's all right.
Before you read the rules, I urge you to:
Read @anomadsoul's introduction to this quest.
In case you don’t know what the Summer Camp is, I advise you to check out the two (1, 2) announcement posts where we’re explaining how everything will work, our goals, what Sndbox is and more importantly, how you can join.
We decided to start with quests that are easier, more accessible to anyone so more people can join in the beginning, and as time goes by, we’re going to be increasing the difficulty. Keep in mind that we’re selecting about 50 people through these quests and they will all have to join the final, supreme quests and only 20 of them will be part of our Sndbox Summer Camp.
We want to get into Sndbox people from all kinds of fields but we also want to make sure that they are very prepared in their domain, we want to get in the best, make them even better and offer them all the right tools to succeed and help others in the end.
Even if this quest might be easier, we’re still trying to keep the difficulty a bit high, so we ensure that we keep the spammers and the people not willing to put in the work away from this.
Make a post about your journey
You will have to make an in-depth post about your journey so far and experiences in one of the three domains, traveling, food or homesteading. It doesn’t have to cover only the time since you’re a Steemian, it can go way before joining this platform. Share with us why you’re involved in one of the three fields, what’s your motivation, how you got there, interesting experiences, tell us everything you think is worth a read.
Make a DTube Video
You will also have to make a DTube video where you’re talking about why you want to be part of the @Sndbox, what you are going to do once you’re in, your goals and vision. To make this harder, to get you out of your comfort zone, you will have to record it in a crowded place. A few examples of places are traveling spots, restaurants, coffee shops or even the middle of a square, any location that is filled with people. This way, we ensure ourselves that you are willing to do some work and get out of your comfort zone to achieve your goals.
Analyze a post
As I said above, we want to ensure that we’re only picking the best so we want to see how you’re thinking and because of that you will have to make an in-depth analysis of someone’s post, tell us what you would change, what you would add, your overall opinion about it. We prepared you a few Steemians from Sndbox, write about a post made by one of them, make sure your post is objective. Travel:Food:Homesteading: @Martibis, @World-Travel-Pro, @teachblogger, @Dontstopmenow; @Gringalicious, @Howtostartablog, @thegalavantgirl; @bearone, @critic-on.
Make a compilation post
Make a post compiling all the other three posts I mentioned above and use the tag #sndboxsummercamp but do not use the tag #sndboxquest. The tag #sndboxquest is only for the three tasks, quests I mentioned about; please don’t use both tags on your posts because that would only make our job harder.
Final note
Your content has to be original; we are going to check all the nominations, with a paid Plagiarism check to ensure that only the best Steemians have a chance to get into Sndbox. We are also going to curate the tags so even if you don't get into the Summer Camp you can still get some sweet rewards as long as your content is good enough.
@Anomadsoul and I are going to be the judges, so we can hand pick ten people that have the most potential and march our vision for the Summer Camp. Keep in mind that @anomadsoul’s last contest had 300 submissions so the competitiveness is going to be high, to ensure your spot in you will have to give your best and make some amazing posts. But also, since this is a different contest maybe not many people will join so if you bring your best content you might have huge chances to get in.
Edit: The deadline is 11:59 on the 12 march PST, 7 days.
Edit 2: You can record the clip in your language as long as it has English subtitles but we recommend recording it directly in English.

Hi @guyfawkes4-20. I just wanted to check, I blog about a range of subjects. Is it acceptable to enter more than one of the quests? Or are you looking for people to just join the quest that they would consider their strongest subject? Thanks, I'm looking forward to this challenge very much 🙂
Feel free to join as many quests as you can; there are no limits, good luck. ;)
Thanks for getting back to me guyfawkes4-20. I shall focus on my core interests that I blog about to try and keep the writing fresh and relevant. 🙂
We'll have some writing, fiction quests in the future for sure. Keep an eye out, so you don't get left behind.
Thanks guyfawks. I have you guys popping up in my GINABot to make sure I don't miss the quests. I write quite a lot of travel posts and have big plans in that regard so I am taking part in this challenge but Poetry and Fiction are also subjects I will be keeping a careful eye out for.
I am rooting for you Raj!! Let's do this!
Yes! Maverick I'm feeling the love :-) Best of luck to you too buddy.
It's great that both of you want to look for people who can write on different topics and getting them out of their comfort zone.
Especially recording that video of why I want to be in sndbox that is going to take a lot of guts for me.
But I want it. Not just for me but for the communities that I support like promo-mentors for the charity @giftinkindph for myself to go beyond what I am usually capable at.
Regarding the submission I don't know because I just work up but is there a deadline of the submission of the posts?
I know what you mean, it's never easy to do something like that but the rewards are huge, so we can't just give the spots for nothing. Nice goal man, you got this.
Thanks for reminding me about that, we forgot to mention the deadline, it's 11:59 on the 12 march PST.
Oh man i'm going on vacation this week and was even planning on using that as my piece for the travel blog and where I will shoot the dTube video so that it's a fresh travel piece.
The place I am going does not have reliable internet and will be back after the 12th. I don't want to rush since this is a competition piece. I know you all have timelines already. Is there a possibility of extensions haha. I know I presume so much but I really want it.
If not I will go with the other challenges. The dTube video would have been really nice there.
It's not only one challenge; you have to complete all the tasks mentioned in the rules. If we don't have enough quality submissions, we might extend the deadline, but I advise you to make all the posts before 12th so you don't miss out on this. Get your hotspot with you; there has to be a possibility; it would be a shame to miss on such tremendous opportunity. Good luck. ;)
Thanks Guy. I think I can write the travel post this week but might be an unpublished old trip.
The analyze the post would be doable this week as well.
The dTube video will need some editing or at least a one take one that I might be able to send before boarding the boat to the island
The compilation one when I get back to civilization.
The area I am going is a deadspot and no electricity but hopefully I'll manage.
It is indeed a tremendous opportunity and would be stupid for me to miss out!
Yes man, you got this, you can totally do it. I'm looking forward to your submissions, good luck. ;)
Another challenge accepted man? I'm sure you can do it. With your perseverance and good deed. Nothing is impossible with The Mav! Good luck man!
Looking forward to you own quests completed!
This is very exciting and scary at the same time! I'm going to give this 100% effort, and push my insecurities aside. I can't wait to get started! #Sndboxsummercamp here I come!
Now, that's the spirit I'm talking about. It might look scary indeed but it is well worth it because being part of @Sndbox will take your blog through the roof. Good luck.
Thank you @guyfawkes4-20!
I have a question. So far there are hardly any posts tagged with #sndboxquest. We are supposed to use this right?
These are a lot of requirements :( To us it's a bit overwhelming - we also try to give our best but I can see you need to implement these rules to keep away unwanted participants. Right now we're paddling to survive as travel blogger but maybe in better times we join one of your future quests.
The requirements are not few indeed but also; this is the biggest opportunity a Steemian can have, five months of constant support and guidance is no small deal. If you're posting about traveling, now is the time to join even if it might look hard, good luck. ;)
I totally understand but for now we're trying to pay rent and all of our energy has to go into that. We've been travel blogging for 7 years, invested tons of time and energy but we saw it more of a hobby. Our other income sources have been in decline for a long time and the first month of the year have been horrible. So investing into a project which might be incredible in the future, which also doesn't guarantee to be accepted we can't afford right now.
But we love that you give the Steemit Community this opportunity, focusing on us travelers who're always struggling is honorable. The @sndbox camp steered up some great conversations on our Discord Travel Server.
Any chance y'all are going to post a list of quest topics?
I'm not much of a food, travel, or homesteading blogger, but it would be nice to see a list of possible quest topics so I can choose what I'm strongest in?
Also, would it be better to choose your strongest topic in every quest and try and compete in every quest or wait until you see a quest you're strongest in.
That makes total sense, but we don't have such a list yet, we're learning, improving as we're moving forward. If we come up with something, we'll make sure to post it.
If you think you can do it, sure, compete in as many quests as possible. We'll have something more along the lines of philosophy, psychology and maybe science sometime in the future for sure. ;)
I understand correctly, what me need to do 4 posts( 1 for each paragraph of the rules)? All messages must be made within 7 days?
Should the video be in English only? Or can I write it down in my language but make a text version in English translation?
Exactly, four posts for the contest in a one week span. It might look hard, but the rewards are huge.
Please answer about the video. Recording in English only? Can I write in my native language and make a text translation into English?
Oh, I forgot about that. I advise you to make the clip in English; you don't need the greatest accent, just try your best. I see you're Russian, I have the same accent when I speak English as you do so I know it's hard, but in case it's not understandable at all, still record in English and use English subtitles. ;)
Ok! I will try to make every effort for this and go through all the quests. It is very important for me to join the community of creative people. I love creativity in all its manifestations. I hope I get to be a part of this.
I just looked at your work, it is of quality, get all the quests done and you might have a chance to be part of @Sndbox and trust me, you would love it.
Thank you, I will try. I realize this is a big chance for me.
Wow, 300 entry for @anomadsoul's last contest? Dude is fame us! haha. Brilliant idea about not making everyone compete with each other regardless of their niche. That's amazing. I love the Einstein quote about fish climbing tree on @anomadsoul's post.
I can't wait to see my part come up. Cheers, bro.
Thank you, we're doing our best to give anyone a chance to compete.
Haha, yeah, thanks for the head's up, I didn't notice, lol.
Hmmmmm, this is a big challenge. Thanks to @sndbox, @anomadsoul and @guyfawkes4-20
This is so interesting
I'll love to be a part of this...
A very good chance for me,
I will prepare all its entities
I always wanted to be part of @sndbox Somoga I can enter from @sndbox section
Sure, good luck. ;)
Bang on!
It´s a whole challange. I´ll do my best
Yes, it's not going to be easy, but for five months of constant support that would shift anyone's Steem experience, it is well worth it.
I´ve already done all the requirements you suggest to enter to this quest. I´d like to know if I have to add the compilation post link on a replied to this post or if with the already done is good enough. Thank you for your kind attention.Dear @guyfawkes4-20.
Interesting. I am waiting the topics I can really flow with.
I love what guys @sndbox are doing. You are amazing.
Sure, they will come, we'll have philosophy and psychology at some point for sure.
It is a sensational opportunity. I do not speak a lot of english. Is it a requirement?
I just updated that, in case you can't record at all in English, record in your language and use English subtitles.
That is super incredible. Thaks so much for the orientation @guyfawkes4-20.
Hey @sndbox... Challenge fucking accepted!!
That's the spirit man!
The video, I will surely have to get me out of my comfort zone for this one. This is a very exciting quest.
That's what we're planning to do but trust me, you'll have fun and if you get in you'll be so glad for recording that video even if it might seem challenging.
hai @guyfawkes4-20. Can I make this quest in Indonesian Language?
Yes, but make sure to use English subtitles, but I do recommend that you record it directly in English if you can.
This is quite exciting, yet very challenging - especially the DTube video as not only is it in a crowded space but we only have one or two shots at this with our timeframe. To top it off with no proper mic, it can be difficult (there might be some serious close-ups).
I've got some questions, I have read couple of time but seems I am still confused :
first, I have to make a post - with whatever topic among those 3 you mentioned above, Second, make a video why I wanna join sndbox . Last, analyzing one of the post with the given name. So far, I have 3 posts with the tag #sndboxquest.
then, I have to make compilation post and use #sndboxsummercamp
in total, I have to make 4 posts. Am I on the right track?
This is amazing chance tobhave, thank you for the team..
is there a provision of how many letters to write?
May I know is there any minimum requirement of how long does the Dtube video has to be?
alright we're in! just posted our first post about our journey... tomorrow the video... etc etc!!! this is definitely challenging, but we brought our A game and are in and are stoked! I can already feel my creativity growing <3 Thanks to you and @anomadsoul... excited!! have wanted to be a part of #sndbox for quite some time <3
Wow, this is one great opportunity. I've seeking around on how to use sndbox as tag, but I can't find one, until this post.
I just want to clarify though, sould the dtube and post about travel be in one post? I mean, I do motorcycle travel series and about to post the next series, but I don't have a video of my trip. Can the video be in another post?