What’s Happyness? What is it we all want for ourselves? Happyness is not something that you can condition and there lies the big mistakes that create even more confusions about it. You think you are happy if you get a model that some external agent sold you at some point in your life telling you that you would be happy if you fulfilled suchs or these conditions. Happyness is already in each and everyone of us without the need to be conditioned by anything, and trying to find the ideal condition for us to be happy is what generates one confusion after another getting us into an endless search that seeks to deceive us momentarily each time that we get what they told us would give us or make us happy. Happyness is an unconditioned condition, nothing binds it, nothing models it, nothing precedes it. It simply is. It is a state of consciousness in which only it exists and nothing else. But how do we achieve that state of consciousness? How do we connect with it? Certainly one of the premises exposed brings the key "Happiness is a state of consciousness in which only it exists and nothing else" There does not fit all the money in the world, nor the best friends, nor the most beautiful family, nor the most expensive last model vehicles, neither the perfect job, nor the university career that you love so much. Although none of this that I name is, or is there to eliminate happyness, they are things that you can have and it is your choice to learn to live with them without trying to possess them. Trying to possess anything impermanent in this world is what limits you to access the level of consciousness where happiness is, since at that level, there is no room for anything else. Then, the frustration becomes present by disappearing the false happiness that had lulled us to the moment of having obtained that mundane achievement. This has to tell us, very clearly and convincingly, that what we´re feeling is NOT HAPPYNESS. Maybe it was joy, security, contentment, tranquility, satisfaction and even pride or a compilation of them all. None of that is HAPPYNESS. Only confusion would remain in us, mixed with frustration, and again dissatisfaction, the false happiness is gone one more time. It seems that it does not really exist, but if so? what makes us go after it? Why do all human beings have that common factor? Why do we all want to be happy? There is a saying that says: "He, who does not know the sea, does not miss it." Maybe we have to go back to an early time in our lives where we did not possess anything, maybe some of us had a lot, little or nothing, but all of us, absolutely all of us, DID NOT POSSESS ANYTHING and we were happy. If there’s a difference between HAVE and POSSES, it’s up to you to find out.
Again, and as is customary in me, I will leave this reflection open and unfinished so that, in the deserved respect to freedom of conscience of each person who reads it, make their own conclusions.