SBD Loan and Saving Project For Sndbox Summed Camp : Project Development

in #sndboxquest7 years ago (edited)



This project is for the purpose to help Indonesian Steemian to care about investment (steem power). This project is called SteemBersama (Bersama means together).


In Indonesia, to become Steemian who care about investment is big easy. This is happened since the reward from Steemit is oftenly out to spend for daily needs.

As a result, most of Steemians do not have high Steem Power, they do not power up, besides from what they got from curation rewards. Even a lot of them who do power down to fulfill urgent needs.

This is happened for several reasons, especially due to economics problems and lack of job vacations. The presence of Steemit even become a job for some Steemians.

Project Design

This project will provide an account, for example @steembersama, as an account to collect SBD from posting rewards of Steemians who are the member of this project.

The savings of this account can be loaned to the member with recommendation from chapter leader (Indonesia Steemit Community has a leader for each chapter (region)). The loaner could pay their loans by postings.

The chapter becomes the guarantor for the loaned to pay their loans by orderly creating posts. If there is any problems than the chapter should be responsible to create posts to pay the loan

All member of SteemBersama should empowering their account by power up diligently. 80% of the rewards should be used for power up. Only 20% of it that can be used.

Support is needed for this project especially for the upvote from Steemian who have high Steem Power. It may also be in Steem Power form.

Long Term Effects

All member of this project could have a chance to increase their Steem Power from their own posting rewards.

For the SteemBersama project could become an account that has Steem Power from curation rewards. Thus, the SteemBersama account could become an account that very much useful to help new Steemian from Indonesia.

For Indonesia Steemit Community, this project will be useful for empowering activities, Steemian can be invited to avoid plagiarism and spamming.

For Steemit, this project is the implementation of the third principal which written on Steem white paper.


into an economic empowerment program and certainly widen the development of steemit in Indonesia better.Hopefully the @steembersama program will be accepted.

I agree for the comment above. Because, if @steembersama program was launch, that can help to other steemian for grow up they account. Because they must saving 80% payout for Steem Power. If they want some sbd for buy something, they can make a wish with their group in @steembersama later. Hope this project can active earlier. Aamiin

Tak bisa berkomentar banyak karena saya tak tau arti tulisannya. Sekilas saya fahami, ini tulisan tentang sebuah proyek yg sangat bagus untuk steemian.

Wow! It's truly a great and innovative idea, Bang! Applicable as well. I support this idea and believe that others steemians will agree, too.

Hopefully this idea will have the opportunity to proceed, yaa! Good luck for the summercamp quest, too, Bang Risman!

@anomadsoul, your great support for this idea to put on the track will be very helpful, please. 😊

Ksi Medan sudah melaksanakan bg. Kami punya akun group @steemit.medan yg di fungsikan salah satunya unt hal tsb. Just infohh hehe

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Senang sekali melihat saudara-saudara sebangsa ini saling bahu-membahu, tolong menolong, saling peduli, dan saling berinovasi untuk kepentingan bersama.

Project yang akan Abang @rismanrachman buat ini sepertinya akan banyak diikuti oleh para Steemians. Karena bener yang dibilang Brother @kakilasak (atas Saya) bahwa komunitas steemit medan sudah start dan sekarang kekuatan terkumpul di @steemit.medan

Demi masa depan Steemit Indonesia yang cerah!

I understand that some people may need to cash out for their daily needs but I believe that the longer and term and bigger benefit is when one power ups. I hope your project will be able to help people see the importance of powering up and give them the possibility to do so without sacrificing their daily needs.

Good luck in the quest.

Ternyata gotongroyong juga yang jadi pilihan. Mantap!