Sndbox Summer Camp Photography/Filmmaking - Task One

in #sndboxquest7 years ago (edited)

Recently I made an entry for @anomadsoul 's 'My 2018" contest, and he kindly made me aware of @sndbox 's summer camp.


My Mission

I'm a big dreamer, I always have been, which I guess is a good thing, because I've always been very driven. I'm extremely passionate about the world around me, issues we are faced with as a society. As a filmmaker, in the future I hope to bring about change by bringing attention to problems I feel are often overlooked. Just a few topics of MANY I hope to cover in the future are human trafficking, technological development, tories, economic slavery, injustice.

Filmmaking to me is the delivery of information. But as a creative, I like to do so in a fictional way. There is nothing I love more than diving into writing a good plot and some kick ass characters. But whilst I'm here, creating music videos and everything inbetween, I just want to inspire. I love helping people, and encouraging them to embrace their talent. Here's an article I wrote recently encouraging musicians to create their own visuals:

My Journey

I have been settled in filmmaking for around 2 years now, but the journey here was not to straight forward. It all sorted in the most unexpected way, it's something that when I think about it really reminds me how long and tough this journey has been already.
My journey started 6 years ago when I was 13 years old. I was just getting heavily into music and was absolutely thrilled to see such a thriving music scene in such a small town, and the surrounding areas. We had some cracking gigs and festivals, and I was lucky to have been involved at such a young age. I've always had a lot to say, so when I picked up a really budget camera for like £20, I decided to start reviewing the events and taking pictures.
This led to me writing for an online music publication until it closed when I was 15, and I then got involved with a bigger publication and got myself some passes to some really top events. I felt very important at the age of 15 with my access all areas passes to some of my favorite bands up in top venues in London and Brighton. I'd also started to promote my own small gigs in the local area, and this is a big part of why I became so involved in the music industry, and how I met many of my music video clients now.
I ended up by accident on a media course at a music college, so I have this to thank further for my involvement in the music scene, and kickstarting me into the world of video production with my first ever music video!

I also made my first short film on this course, I'm not going to link that here though, it's far too embarrassing! So have the one I was inspired to make just after I left.

Where Am I Now

I'd like to consider myseld at the very start of my adventure. I'm learning something new with every project, and taking on a variety of new things I would have never imagined being involved with before, like going abroad with a band to film a documentary, or creating my own horror series which I will be releasing on Dtube.
I love what I do, filmmaking and video production is not my passion. It's what I was put on this earth to do. I put everything I have into my work, and my work is my life. It's all I have found myself doing. I live and breathe my art. I am currently working on too many music video projects too count, a couple of documentaries and some promotional material, as well as my horror series mentioned above. I have experimented with several short films and have found my style tends to be very out there and abstract. Here is my latest film, I think it's visible how my work has improved since my first projects at college. Fellow steemians @juxtamusic and @grandspace actually created the music for it so check them out.

My work doesn't make me much money, and the amount of time that is required, I don't find myself having time for a job. So I have been limited to what I can afford equipment wise, and have fortunately been extremely lucky to have some amazing friends. Honestly, half of my kit is borrowed, including the camera. But I don't let this stop me, and recently have been putting all my cash towards the essentials that I need like lighting and audio equipment. It's a challenge doing what I do with what I have, but that's what I love about filmmaking. You make it work for you. It's about making the most out of what you have.
Here is a music video I made by editing creative commons stock footage together. It was for a DJ across seas who wanted something quick. I am currently working on so many creative music videos, and I can not wait to get them finished. At the end of the year my portfolio is going to be so big! I am so excited to get into editing them, editing music videos is my favorite bit!

Why I'd like to be part of Sndbox

Oh wow I really do not know where to start. First of all, since I joined Steem I have been on an active journey to meet fellow filmmakers and creatives alike, and have even started my own digital media contest to encourage them out of the woodwork! I am motivated by everything creative, and @sndbox just sounds like the perfect opportunity for me to do what I'm here to do. Network, learn and create.

I love Steem. In my whole life of social networking, I've always been very hot and up to date, but since I found Steem I felt my life has completely changed. The blockchain is more than a social media site or quick buck to me, to me it is the future for upcoming creatives. I really do see it having the potentional to become the hub that brings us all together. And I really want to be part of that. I'm going to do everything I can to build myself and my fellow creatives on this platform.

I want to grow. Not economically, not in popularity, but as a human being. I've found myself so full of self doubt lately, but creativity has become my motivation for a better life. It's taught me to express my feelings the right way, to trust and have faith in myself and what I can do. I'm dedicated to learning, and I have so many amazing ideas inside my head that I feel would help contribute towards a better world. Creativity is my freedom and I want to be free.

I have been really struggling to find other filmmakers and feel like Sndbox would be what I really need in order to really push and find even more incredible talent. I couldn't agree more with what was said by anomadsoul in the quest's intro post about knowing there is filmmakers out there, and wanting them to show themselves! I can not agree more! I know that the blockchain is going to be the number one place for us.

Thank you for reading. Please note that some segments of this article have come from my previous article: I spoke to @guyfawkes4-20 and he said it is ok to do so.


I honestly loved this post very much. Its really hard to do what you love these days especially when you wanna create something new and make this world like it. I am an artist myself so i not only understand what you are saying but even feel it the way you do. Even though you say fundings are less, I see you made such amazing content and I am truly stunned. I wonder what you would do with everything provided. Good luck gal!

Ahh thank you so much this means a lot to me! It's so good to see other people creating and doing what they love, I hope to keep meeting more . I hope people enjoy my work and I hope to find similar artists! Thanks again made me smile :D

nice to know you. finally I've found the people who love filmmaking