In a world where everyone is learning how to be him/her self, where kids are now born with tablets and smart devices next to them and where decentralization is reaching the economy step by step, both "the streets" and sport brands are more connected than ever, the sneaker culture and a service culture oriented on the customer are taking the game to the next level.
Your sneaker choice is now a language and can say a lot about you! Keep reading and discover more.

Lots of models, different choices for everyone
There isn't only one color, brand or style, certainly, there is a pair of sneakers that you will love (and a lot of price ranges too).
Something worth mentioning is that all this really didn't begin recently, in the 80's rappers, skateboarders and breakdancers were already deep in this way of expression, yeah, the sneaker culture.
Something worth mentioning is that all this really didn't begin recently, in the 80's rappers, skateboarders and breakdancers were already deep in this way of expression, yeah, the sneaker culture.
Prices can go crazy, people value certain models A LOT.


What are your favorite sneakers?

I'm really glad stores are stepping up bringing Sports shoes to the next level. Been seeing a lot of it actually and that's a great attraction.
When I moved to Argentina my perception about this topic changed a lot and I fell in love with sneaker culture in general.
Absolutely and you have a good choice then. It's actually a very trending foot attire here.