30 Degrees and More Snow

in #snow7 years ago

We have more snow here this morning. Since I don't know how many are interested in seeing more snow pictures I will post more of what is here this lovely morning.

This is a view between the shop and chicken coop. You also can see the old camper were the "junk" is stored that we just can't seem to part with.


I would say this is an interesting picture. Snow on the electric wire and you can see through the coop. Even though it is still pretty cold we get more eggs than we can use so we have been giving them away.


We do have a place for the chickens to be out if they so choose. Most of them stay in during weather like this.


As you can see a couple have ventured out. We have to keep a close eye on them. Last year we lost a few to a wondering critter.


We are hoping to build a more and better permanent "run" for them this summer. We don't like turning them loose when we are at work.