The beast form the east ...this is how english people calling a litlle bit of snow ......South West of the UK ...Bristol and surrounding areas are covered in 3cm deep snow and the city decided to close all schools ,shopping centres....Ihihihihih what a comedy !!!!!! people dnt go work and those who went work today finished earlier hahahahahaha
Some companies,firms and shops closing down because its too much snow for them ....this country is a pussy.....a little a bit of snow and -3 degrees can cause a disaster in UK ...they dnt need a war ....a bit of snow ...white flakes are destroying entire country .....iv never seen anythin like that in my life ........they react like its the end of the world !!!! wooooowwwwww

Haha nice post! Its all that global warming you know. You heard we could run out of gas too haha (not quite sure how but hey hey) 💯🐒
thanks @vibeof100monkeys....at least you can see what im trying to show here ....a lack of brain and preparation ...nways i like your nick name monkey ;) and thanks a lot for upvote I appreciate it
Your welcome! I spoke to my mother and she panicking telling me not to go in to work tomorrow cos it so dangerous man I walked through snow up to my waist this evening and I'm fine. Everyone is in a panic. Like you say people just use your Brains 💯🐒
Hows it in south west today? 😉