****Like the ball? Surely you've played or even watch the ball. Indeed, football is the most popular sport in the world. If it used to be identical football to boys now football is also in demand by girls, even women's football competition already exists. Indeed all girls may not be able to cultivate the skin round, but a girl who can not play ball baseball was there who really like football even as a spectator.****
Well for you who have a pair of football lovers, this time Adya Razan want to distribute a collection of romantic rambles romantic words of the ball boy. Well of course if the reader who listened to this article has a couple who really love football, it would be very happy if digombalin, especially with the word really nget with football
****Actually, many reasons why should ngegombalin partner. One of them to maintain harmony in relationships. Please note, the more harmonious the relationship the longer the relationship is also durable. But most ngegombalin couples are also not good baseball loh, why? Not harmonious but instead ilang feeling with you. Well surely you can not wait to listen to the collection of romantic rambling words of this child? Here's the rest****
****Football is not just a game, this type of sport involves many parties. Starting from players, coaches, until the fans. Sports most loved by people around the world is full of emotion, passion, and aggressiveness.****
With the character of football game like this, it takes the spirit and high motivation for the formation of a solid and strong team while competing in the green field. Naturally if then many out of inspirational words and words of wisdom full of motivation from the players and football coaches.
Congratuations @miswarjr
***menjadi sang juara bukanlah hal yang mudah karna perlu kerja keras dan keyakinan untuk mendapatkan semua itu,namun kemenangan tidaklah untuk dipersombongkan melainkan untuk di jadikan sebuah inspirasi kepada orang lain.agar mereka tau bahwa kerja keras dan tekat untuk yakin tidaklahh sia sia hasilnya.***
### *kejarlah impianmu kawan jangan pantang menyerah teruslah berusaha hingga engkau mendapatkan lebih dari yang telah engkau dapatkan sekarang*
#### Salam dari saya @siatteuk ![image](
Thank you kawan
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