in #social9 years ago

Almost the whole world already knows the internet shops that enjoy broad sales and auctions for used or new items eBay (, which was opened in 1996.
No less interesting it would be to compare two of the world's largest auction eBay and Taobao. Thus, eBay had its foundation in the mid-90s of the 20th century in the United States. His specific success factors he must follow.

  1. The United States has a well-developed system of mail forwarding. The country has a lot of delivery services that compete with each other. And no European country has the ability to boast of a large number of inexpensive and reliable methods for forwarding packets. Not a very big commodity in America you can send in a small envelope, while paying less than a dollar amount for the shipment itself. Not a very big box will be delivered through the state for a certain amount, which is unlikely to exceed three dollars. Making the most will be delivered "by land" and the cost is not very expensive. And no need to go to the post office for the registration of parcels.
  2. In the US, a large Internet audience was formed in the 90s, which in turn will make this auction a profitable already in the 90s.
  3. Native Americans themselves are basically decent people and good citizens. Is cheating the buyer there is not accepted. Those who engaged in that act, expect severe punishment.
    4.Blagodarya presence in America of secure payment systems became possible to pay for online method. Since the 90s the weakest side of eBay auction has been making payments, since in the checkout process credit card data could be disclosed to the same absolutely the wrong person. This problem, in turn, has been eliminated by the successful integration of the auction reference system with the system of electronic payments "PayPal» ( This simple yet safe system of payments made it possible for users to make anticipated purchases without the need of a third person is not necessary and unnecessary financial information.
  4. Large stock of different kinds of things from any citizen of America, which in turn could be easily sold through the auction, have also contributed to the success of the development of "virtual komissionki". Later on eBay has become possible to sell new products and offers shops and dealers importing.
    These above-mentioned aspects and the presence of multiple number of managers and programmers that have been collected from around the world led to an eBay store first success on the open spaces of America, and then worldwide.
    But the Republic of China was absolutely devoid of the advantages at the disposal of the United States. Because mailing system in China are very expensive and not very effective, that is, all the premises to the final destination may go long. The Chinese are also not averse to cheat, and to the same alien. Besides credit cards for the majority of Chinese people are a rarity. In addition, the Chinese are not very many useful things, which in the future could be implemented through the auction.
    These negative aspects are not allowed to move as a whole successful eBay experience on the Chinese market.
    But as a result store TaoBao, which was formed only in 2003, for 2.3 years has become the most popular resource not only in China. But in other countries? The reason for this was the fact that the authors of this project were able to, in general, use the strongest factors of doing business Chinese.
  5. Launch any project in China under certain circumstances, the conduct is able to get such a rapid development. For example in 2011 in the market of postal services in the delivery system has become a successful company "kuaydi" who were able to offer delivery of goods faster and cheaper way.
  6. In China have strong private shops of narrow specialization - called "family business." The high places of their millions, most of which, in one degree or another are present in the global network.
    TaoBao auction provides an important advantage of his pokupatelyam- opportunity to communicate directly with the seller via chat.
  7. The auction TaoBao has a complex system of rating calculation, various reviews and "medalek".
  8. Pages have reliable information on the seller and the goods.
  9. There are several systems of payment. One such system is the "Alipay."

As a result, we can say that the people of Russia is more convenient to use the auction site eBay, as the store TaoBao «imprisoned" by Chinese buyers, though, if you use the service taobao intermediary, the Chinese auction can be ordered goods are considerably cheaper than on eBay.