So I just tried Adderall for the first time. It was completely out of nowhere and unplanned, but hey when life gives you lemons. A friend of mine just recently got a script of extended release 5 MG capsules, and when I stopped by to pick up a couple of things from his place he gave me a few. Wanting to start off low I only took 10 mg, and the effects are very interesting.... Edit: I sabotaged the XR part of things first.
I'm not exactly the type of person who enjoys being overly stimulated, and as a result have always shied away from stims. The only ones I've used in the past have been Benzedrex (Yuck), Caffeine, and Ephedrine. I had two horrible experiences with the Benzedrex and just don't really care for the effects caffeine and ephedrine have on me. I'm sensitive to them and a racing heart tends to give me anxiety, which is one of the main reasons I don't enjoy smoking high amounts of cannabis with a low tolerance. So it goes without saying that I went into this with some trepidation. Surprisingly it wasn't at all unpleasant though, and my heart rate only rose < 10%.
I took a really small dose so I didn't get stimulated to the point where it had any real recreational value, but I noted a definite effect on socially anxious thoughts. Even at this low a dose I felt significantly more open and carefree, although I had the tendency to dominate any conversation I was in. This was a really nice change for me, but I can see this being seriously problematic for anyone with a domineering extroverted type personality. It also changed what motivated me to do certain things. For example I felt more motivated to actively approach others and conversate with them for the sake of getting it all down on steemit rather than doing it for personal growth or curiosity. It generally made me completely apathetic to social anxiety. It's hard to articulate it into words but essentially I had the ability to choose whether or not I even gave the condition and the negative though processes which accompany it any credence.
I think I'll definitely experiment with this substance more. However despite knowing I don't have a very addictive personality, the nature of this drug gives me pause. I can definitely see it's productive potential, and how much of a profound effect it has on social anxiety, but for some reason I just don't see it as a tool as valuable as something like kratom or phenibut can be. I'm sure some of this is a bias against the type of drug it is, but I can't quite put my finger on the exact reason. I'll keep anyone interested in these posts updated though for sure!
Taking medicine that is not yours is a felony. We live in a society of laws. If something happened to you, like a car accident you and your friend's could have been ruined.