
I think, One meme can grow hundreds of thousands maybe even millions with meaning or context that is different from the original derivative. Memes move quickly from one person or medium to another person or medium. In Indonesia alone the number of internet users in is quite large. So the meme effect becomes big too. Unlike in countries with less internet access. However, the development of memes depends on the manufacturer or user. But the tendency in our meme is used to bully, humiliate, harass, gossip, and other unproductive activities.


Thus, there is a great degree of power and responsibility when sharing a meme, as it is effectively a seed planted for reproduction - could be used for great good with consciousness, or great harm without...

Great one! Tribe indeed implies differences again. Yet the actual meaning of "All is One" is to see that we are all equally important by PRESENCE. Ultimately, nobody is more or less important, better or worse, more right or wrong.

You are right, there is a huge tendency so somehow to always return to primal instincts it seems. You know, in 3D sport competitions there is a huge trend of using military and war jargon., like"Sieging" or "blowing apart" their opponent. So in a sense it appears to be entrenched in Humans to create demarcations everywhere.

Who knows? Maybe we'll eventually have to wear a certain uniform depending on our consciousness ;)

One can’t take out the human nature out from itself, some many tribes meme has been in existence right from time immemorial and it will definitely continue to play out till the end of time. The present society are in one way Practitioning jungle way of living were the rich get to feed more on the poor because of their power and influence in the society, they get to do things with impunity the question is will this ever stop? Is it not the same process animals suffer in the jungle from the big cats and the rest? Insightful and interesting post @rok-sivante

This is deep.

Meme is only funny when you ain't the one memed.

We are not in the position to tarnish others tribes.
We didn't choose where we born

To regress would imply going backwards.

To go backwards would imply we must have moved forwards first.

I don't see much evidence of this..

Jungle law. Happily led by the Libertarians and NRA

Perfected by Stalin and Mao - they were the real experts..experts..might is right, personified..

All is one seems to equal jungle law these days.

As awsome as you always been @rok-sivante posting a Meme with such a deep thought , no one can ever realise the truth . with so much to achieve in life people are in rush thereby neglecting many humanity aspects and even culture....we are in jungle democracy...mean, selfish, greed, arrogance.... are few thing getting over man kind....and no humanty left.

Though these are my personal thought..with some personal exp.

seeing the life these day, may be you are right that we are back to prehistoric. The law apllied in this world now looks like jungle law. the stronger hit the weaker one. there is a country that want to be a king who runs the whole world. i don't want to say who is wrong or right. what i know is the big ego in your heart will hurt you in the end.

Humans have a noble nature but also have a low animal instinct, although civilization is very advanced, the tendency to do something low is not inevitable..
Thanks @rok-sivante

the law for the weak and without power, the law is based on interests rather than justice. we have backed down a few centuries back ..

Meme is very easy to spread, if in Indonesia is often used for cuteness and various other aneukdot, but over the times Meme began to attack personal, organization and so on as a result distributed through social media by people who are not responsible, so I think Meme more to a job that wastes energy, is unlikely to even be a boomerang for some people who are too narcissistic to explore the useless thing :D

meaning so implied in this mame word, life like a wheel spinning in every journey we will return to the bottom point, but should it all happen? the law of the jungle is not visible, although it sometimes applies in the middle of this life. thanks.

My teacher @rok-sivante, I agree with one of the Stemians who commented to you that there may be a deeper meaning and meaning than the memes you post right now.

Actually I really expect a little explanation from you through your direct writing rather than the meme photos you post right now.

It's a little bit that I understand if you apologize as much as possible from you:

Bring back the decline of a tribe or a human being is occasionally occurring and possibly even as you guessed it could happen until it came back to the law of the forest.

It means to apply in a tribe a law like the law of the jungle in which the ruler is a strong man who wins is a weak strong will be oppressed and in jajah. it's a jungle law that I understand in my area of ​​indonesia.

If the law of the jungle often occurs in a conflict-ridden area of ​​armed conflict or ethnic or racial conflicts.

If you mean as I explained, yes I strongly agree that the law of the jungle is eliminated we are all the same human who want to live peacefully and side by side and want to live always happy.

I request your further completion thank you for posting you made today.

I pray that your success always, I always try to present for every post you.

Thanks a lot for everything @rok-sivante.

Regards from me, @rijalaronaceh

Sir @rijalaronaceh. You seem to be paying attention to social problems in terms of legal injustice occurring in some areas.

Reality of many countries that occur legal conflicts such as forest law or the Law of the Jungle you say.

I myself do not really know much about social issues but have heard of the law of the jungle.

Special thanks to Mister @rok-sivante for posting a lot of comments and discussions even though I can not comment much longer apologize for the shortcomings.

Thank you so much for your comment

Hello All.
Various comments and answers will come from some people who respond to the above discussion theme.

Social and legal problems are indeed diverse. Depending on the area and community there. One of them that mr @rijalaronaceh said above.

We are all the novice Stemians hope to always get information from our seniors together @rok-sivante.

Thank you very much to all.

Thank you very much

Good comment..
Its can help about sosial issue..

Thank you All..

I wish we allwasy successful Togetherness..

Sir @rijalaronaceh. You seem to be paying attention to social problems in terms of legal injustice occurring in some areas.

Reality of many countries that occur legal conflicts such as forest law or the Law of the Jungle you say.

I myself do not really know much about social issues but have heard of the law of the jungle.

Special thanks to Mister @rok-sivante for posting a lot of comments and discussions even though I can not comment much longer apologize for the shortcomings.

Hi there.
Whatever the problem we have to work together to find a solution ..

Good luck always

Thanks you very much for All


even though your path to struggle for obstacles. keep fighting. because quitting is a form of defeat in the struggle.

How are my best friends @rok-sivante. happy to read your article.

I have translated your meme from english to bahasa indonesia, the result as seen above.

I would like to respond a little bit about meme your question.

I think that maybe humans go back to the law of the jungle. visible from the people around us, the weaker the more powerful, the strong always on top, the law applies only to the poor alone. sharp downward blunt upward. really sad reality that we see, many humans who no longer fit than adab na, berate, cursed and even kill. eventually the weak people are also the losers. violence everywhere, corruption and so forth that are all very cruel.

So my review mr @rok-sivante, hopefully enlightened.

Thank you so much for being my friend.

Warm greeting lovingly, there is always love for love,

Your Friend @djamidjalal from Indonesia.

How are my best friends

I don’t know. You’d have to ask them.

Thanks you my best friend. Have a nice.
Best regard for you my best friend. May God Bless You.

happy to be friends with you my best friend @rok-sivante. how can i contact you? can through whatsapp?

I agree you friend.

Right now we are at the stage where people see the separation caused by technology in society, where politics is making humanity raw and insensitive. We have a lot of people who are going back to spirituality, forcing the values they think they are right, and which values are those? Those from before.

I haven't heard the tribe memes, but I wouldn't find it strange. Gangs call themselves tribes sometimes in the US. It's a pretty interesting topic. I'd love to hear what anthropologists have to say about this.

*Your vibe attracts your tribe” * would be among the most common main one...

Good morning @rok-sivante. are you healthy today .. i accidentally visited your blog. because ssya want to be friends with you .. i do not have any other intentions .. may we friends friends .. hopefully your day is fun

Too much, too soon.

What you want, is not to be found in my friendship.

Though if you follow the signs left behind in my writing, you may come to discover it within yourself... 🐰

this is a very far away meaning, meme should not be a joke but sometimes there is another meaning behind it. regards rok-sivante

Memes is can be a social expression into un satisfied feeling to some thing in justice, or can be armour of war between to group with different prespective and idea. Thats why so many tribes of memes with various interest and target.

Hmm....This is a subject of concern
Meme is funny but could be furiating too...
So sad seeing tribes with insulting meme ascribed to it

Your posts are short, dense, but full of meaning. I am amazed at you @rok-sivanten

Dear my beloved friend, @rok-sivante.

Day I see your post on my back again, of course I am very happy, meaning I can communicate with you.

On your homepage create a meme that asks about whether humans go back to the law of the jungle ...?. I will try to answer questions from you my best friend.

In my opinion, in this modern age, where sophisticated technological law of the jungle is again present in the midst of humans. many cases we see, that the poor and the weak, always a target to be attacked, while the rich hiduo without the slightest touch the law. Really very apprehensive if so. We expect every human being to be treated equally by a country. Not distinguish it.

So my answer is my best friend. may be useful.

According to my promise, there is nothing I can do for your good so far, all I can do is resteem posting teman.

And allow me to redeem this post.

Greetings and my love for you.

I like that they also take to place serious things, not just jokes!

Meme is now part of human life as it is use to depict so many thinks like gossips, harass. Here In Nigeria a lot of Meme is been used especially against the govt or rather rulers when they make some silly mistake.

Assuming dmania is still running, steemit meme could have increased as a lot has started using it like myself @roksivante

How is your day sir?

Humans are social animals hence the need to thrive under the different tribes. The social media only helped in getting the tribes to do their thing much more efficiently.

Interested meme.. Funny and deep meening.. Good post @rok-sivante

sometimes memes can make us smile while experiencing distress, there is also sometimes we consider meme as a form of appreciation, many also use memes for purpose as sign language @rok-sivante

I think meme is just an art of having fun. Creative attitude.

victims of meme, so many feel the victims of meme. meme takes one form of entertainment for a person, because although he is the smallest form of entertainment but he is able to make the whole room laugh, but only pictures and some writings with the help of edits. sometimes I feel confused, why only with a photo we can laugh haha, strange but this is the magic meme. imagine donald trump alone could be a meme for jokes, it proves so dare the meme with his world. but unfortunately, some people mistakenly use memes, they insult a person with a form like this, a joke of someone's life.

Thanks brother - @rok-sivante

Age and time may change, but humans will stick to his stance of kesembonga and a million to his Egoan, where when it is full will be overcrowded to what has been planned not get the results in the hope, then always use the old and Classic ways , declared him the King with all the influence and financial power he had to make a thorough change of things to be achieved, so he was never said to be Failed by his nobility, and his last method was full of deep pain for the whole tribe, the smile and the Nature of the whole tribe will be destroyed and lost by the great destruction of Value and Aesthetics to the life and culture of Man, they will never be ignored so that it will fall apart for a very long time. An Old Quote that will probably apply today.
A brief rubrication of you brings a million insights to me, thanks for writing this, you are the best

the law of the jungle is already rampant