All these religions mine is the right one ?

Most of the people in the world go about their daily business not giving a thought concerning what they believe and how whatever they subscribe came into being. For example you can ask majority of people on how far the sun is from the Earth and most people will answer you :

"93 millions miles away",

but they have no clue how the scientific community arrived at that conclusion. The same spills over in most religions. Screenshot_20190421-013751.png

Mind Control

I feel like most people don't have a clue about what mind control is really about. It's obviously about the mind. Understanding of such a concept in most peoples head is limited to what Hollywood has feed them. Mind Control we can also define it without losing meaning as shaping of perception of an individual.
Here is how messed up things are. People are under mind control everything around them is to manipulate their perspective. Let's first see what the official mind control definition is :
Mind-control dictionary definition | mind-control defined
Subverting by means of psychological tactics an individual's control of his or her mind (thinking, behavior, emotions, or decisions). One acknowledged technique to facilitate this is hypnosis.
By nature mind control is achieved through psychological manipulation to shapes an individual perception to a desired perception by the psychologist. That's my definition of Mind Control which sums it up. Mind Control is juat getting to control what you think.
Here are some mind control

  1. Education
  2. Science
  3. Government (governMENTAL)
  4. Religion
  5. Media

These is what shapes peoples reality in society today. The question is :

" Is there any positivity in mind control ?"
The first type of mind control comes from our Mothers and family in general. If your mama is Christian definitely you will be a Christian. Remember when we are little we have little to fear and we can jump off of anything we didn't care how high because we didn't know. The moment you jump and hurt yourself I doubt it if you can repeat the same actions again. In Africa you get an ass whopping to guide you to the path parents desire. I won't consider this a negative form of mind control because it's for your better good as a child joining the human race in this world.
Before there was anything such as schools or governments people stayed in tribes which came together most of the time forming an empire of one family. Such societies also cannot survival properly without some form of mind control. Most of it was induced through culture, taboos.... This was also for the greater good of the tribe or empire and varied from tribe to tribe ,kingdom to kingdom. Now these are the old forms mind control was achieved in our society but we have advanced much further with our "improvement in technology" and new society structure in the modern world. That's what I'll focus on. See the 5 mind control institutions in our society today I'll be breaking them down for you to understand what mind control of today's society is taking place. Trust me it has nothing to do with with your improvement on your life here on Earth but has conditioned you to mental and physical slavery where we get exploited by governments and cooperation.
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