Russia Went off the Reservation, and the Sleepers are Enraged + the Ziggurat (or Pyramid / Tower of Babel)

in #socialism7 years ago

Before reading this post, I strongly suggest that you watch this video, or at least this shorter one.

Back in the mid-1980s, Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov made a few dire predictions about what would eventually happen to the west if our people didn't get their shit together and stop being sucked in by the socialist agenda. He advised us of the need to take a firm stand on moral principals, the right to personal property, and to bring back a unifying concept such as religion. He told us that the much vaunted position of neutrality would be our undoing.

He left us with the final urgent warning that the wolves were already at the door. Our universities had been infiltrated and compromised. NGOs and other organizations comprised of people we never elected were starting to dictate public policies, and so on, and so forth.

The interviews that he gave can only be described as prophetic. Almost everything he predicted is now happening, in pretty much the way he said it would. There is only one thing that is not following the script, and that is Mother Russia herself! Russia has gone off the communist reservation.

However, what is truly odd about this situation is that Russia, more or less in the person of Vladimir Putin, has been implementing precisely those measures Mr. Bezmenov advised the west to implement. Very odd, indeed... .

Or, maybe not. Vladimir was around when the Soviet Union became a tomato that was ripe for the picking, and duly harvested in the most brutal fashion by what some people call 'the global elite'. The economic rape of Russia that occurred during the 1990s could only have opened young Vlad's eyes to the truth of our global and political systems. Something had to be done to save Russia from total enslavement, and, well..., maybe he'd been listening to Bezmenov's interviews? Or, maybe what Bezmenov was telling us was something they already knew inside the Soviet Union. Who knows. Vladimir isn't saying.

There will be some dunces who will feel obliged to argue that the Soviet Union was raped by capitalists. There are always people who believe themselves to be intellectually superior, while having the actual intellectual capacity of a cabbage. The Soviet Union was raped by an elite that is using the bankrupting of nations as a means by which to bring everything, and everyone, under its control, in a modern day international version of the ancient feudal state. Communism, Socialism, and Capitalism are only means to an eventual end, and I think it entirely possible that good old Vlad figured it out.

So, Vladimir reinstated private property, brought the church back into people's lives, and made certain nobody messed with the fundamental social bedrock known as 'the family'.

This has caused a meltdown in the minds of all the sleeper agents living in places like the U.S.A., and is probably the reason why so many politicians, members of the media, actors and actresses, 'progressives', leftists, and NGOs have gone completely batshit-crazy of late. Their long period of slumber over, they now find themselves in a world where Socialist Mother Russia has disavowed them, and so, like the good little socialist offspring that they are, they must now turn on their whore of a mother and tear her to pieces.

They must also complete the mission that they were recruited to perform: the final takeover of each and every country in the Western World. They'll come back for Whoring Mother Russia when they're done fulfilling The Mission.

The dumbasses are six steps behind Vlad on the stairway of intellectual realization. They hide behind incredibly facile reasoning about 'the greater good', and 'social equality'. Below are a few examples:

  1. If I am starving, I have the right to steal a loaf of bread from the bakery!
    Wrong. The baker bought the flour, yeast and salt that went into the bread. Then he put his own labor into making it. He paid for the ovens and the electricity that runs the ovens. He also pays the salary of the assistant baker and counter girls. The bread didn't come to him for free, and he can't afford to have the fruits of his efforts stolen from him. should he go hungry just because you believe it your right to steal from him? Wouldn't the solution be to ask him for a loaf, and offer to sweep floors in exchange?

  2. I have no place to live, and you have a big house, so I can move in and throw you out!
    Wrong. It is the same thing as robbing the baker. If you are in such a situation, there are charitable organizations to turn to, family and friends you can ask for help - or at least there would be if Socialism wasn't waging war on them. A strong family unit is what prevents people from falling through those cracks in the system, and shores them up when times are rough. Watch this video if you want to get an idea of how people from non-western cultures view what is happening here, and how they feel about the destruction of the family unit.

  3. The boss is an evil meanie who is profiting off of my work, so I have the right to rise up and take over the factory!
    Kind of amazing that the people who believe this are also the same people who insist Twitter is a private company and has the right to ban people for tweeting anything they find offensive. The person who owns the means of production has the right to do what he wants with it, including running it into the ground. We have not yet descended into a slave-state, and so we are still able to quit whenever we want. We may not be able to find another job all that easily, but if a person is so unhappy no one is stopping them from getting up and leaving - something that you cannot do in a socialist country. I have been told that in those places, you'll be picked up and forcibly brought to work if you fail to show up voluntarily. If you can only think in black and white, then perhaps you have some excuse for falling into Marx's very elementary thinking. People of average intellect, however, can see a simple alternative in their hairdresser's chair. Literally. Hairdressers rent their chairs from the owner of the salon, and run what is a quasi-independent business from it. The salon owner helps them out by throwing them the occasional customer who wanders in and wants a cut, but who isn't anyone else's regular customer. That is how the 'means of production' and 'the worker' can come out with a mutually beneficial arrangement.

  4. Socialized this, socialized that, socialized the-next-thing!
    I live in a country where we have socialized medicine, and I have to say that if you can't provide affordable health-care, then a universal public health program is a must. We'd have better doctors, though, if medical school wasn't so damned expensive that only the rich can afford to send their children there. So we have a shortage of doctors now - or at least a shortage of doctors who are allowed to practice here. We have plenty of doctors who emigrated here, only to be barred from practice by a rather clubbish medical association. Getting into a university (and they get government subsidies to keep tuition down) is also next to impossible in certain disciplines, including medicine because, well, you can't be a square peg trying to fit into a round hole in those departments. In other words, if you ain't part of the club, you ain't getting in. As a result, people who want to study medicine (and other things) end up going to places like the Caribbean, where, it may surprise you, the programs are pretty darn good, and a lot less expensive. But, when they come back home, these graduates can't get residencies... . The system is closed because the government apparatchiks keeps it closed. Milk producers are not allowed to sell privately, or even drink their own product. And so on, and so forth... .

Security has a cost, and one man's 'freedom from the threat of lack' is another man's imprisonment. Every time an inferior candidate gets a job or a spot at a university based on an 'equal opportunity' program, a genius candidate who doesn't fit the bill gets turned away. All of which is to say that socialism isn't any less discriminatory than capitalism. They are, in effect, two sides of the same coin. Capitalism, however, is not the same as a free market system. We used to have one of those, as some people will remember. Monopolies were forcibly broken up, and small businesses played a important role in local economies.

Both capitalism and socialism exist for the sole purpose of transferring all industry, all property, and all people into the hands of a small elite. You can choose to be a wage slave, or government slave, but you will still be a slave.

Collectivism kills the brilliant, the genius, and anyone else who does not toe the line. Moreover, it prepares countries to be put through the juicer the same way that the Soviet Union was.

All of which is probably why Vlad has performed such a radical course-correction for his country. It is the only way to pull it out of the disaster that befell it. The reason that he could do it at all, was because the full socialist agenda was never realized in the Soviet states (and also not in China!). The Soviet program did call for the elimination of the family unit (do your reading!), yet somehow that never happened. The family remained strong. The socialist sleepers in the west are not making the same mistake this time 'round. They're going for the family unit full force, and if they succeed not even a western Vladimir Putin will be able to pull our tomatoes out of the juicer.

vladimir-putin-2374090_640.jpg tomato-316744_640.jpg
Images: Pixabay

Now, the good old 'Tower of Babel' was, in fact, a Babylonian ziggurat that got blasted to pieces. I can't remember if it was a natural disaster that took it down, or an act of war. All that is important is that it was real, and that it's fall is immortalized in a biblical story. The ziggurat is a symbol of a hierarchical society, with a king, an elite underneath him, and the great unwashed at the bottom. The king had limitless power over the people, and, in fact, was worshiped as a human god. If you look at a later passage in the Old Testament, you find that God is pissed when the people demand a king to rule over them, as all the other nations have. He give them a king to rule over them, and gives it to them as curse for rejecting His rule in favor of human rule. No wonder the infamous Tower of Babel being brought low became a story of punishment from God.

Pyramid scheme, Ponzi scheme... there is a reason why that geometric shape is used to describe them, and if you can't see the connection to today's topic there really is no hope for you.

Image: Pixabay