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RE: Left Leaning Liberals and Proponents of Socialism will often offer things like Free Education for All... Medicare/aid for all, etc.

in #socialism7 years ago (edited)

See you are voting for every one of your own comments.

Interesting. Not illegal. Just interesting. And not exactly in line with the intellectual direction of your posts....

Only two ways to limit costs. By competition, or by rules.

"first world countries" that are socialist limit costs through rules.

Very difficult/impossible to sue your doctor -- essentially, you are suing the government. So "defensive medicine" doesn't get practiced.

You have no say over what you get. That is determined by government. Think you want a second opinion? Think you want services in a timely manner? Think you want an option that the system has decided is not "cost effective?" Too bad. You are SOL.

It is very difficult to compare European society to ours. Their public health system is very different. Lots of chemicals are outlawed there that aren't allowed here, so that's vastly less chemical burden in their food. They don't for the most part fluoridate their water, so they don't have all the health complications associated with this. They walk a lot more. They eat less. They eat more local produce. They have more time off. They focus more on life and less on things. These all lead to better health and have nothing to do with universal healthcare.

I see you are still pursuing the "monopoly produces highest quality at the lowest price point" non sequitur. Wonder why that doesn't work on the private side of things......