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RE: What's Wrong With Free Money?

in #socialism7 years ago

Those who fall for the UBI lie don't think things through. With the advent of 5G, IoT, automated AI, hundreds of millions of jobs will get lost and everybody will be hooked up to the smart grid (the biggest desaster and possibly the end of mankind). People are not aware of these things. No government in the world will feed people endlessly once it becomes clear that those masses will never be able to get a paid job again or be of any value to the evil controllers of humanity. Once people are chipped (Smart Dust, RFID, brain implants, etc.) they will switch those off who are deemed useless and that will be the end of UBI but once people are in the smart grid there is no more espape. So everybody who doesn't wake up very fast now, is doomed to end up in this dystopian future. I have been trying to alert people to 5G but hardly anyone is listening...