Who Won Our #ReplaceFace Competition?

in #sociall7 years ago


Last month, we invited the Sociall community to join us in saying goodbye to Facebook forever.

All you had to do was head to Twitter and tell us your last words for Facebook — with a bunch of SCL tokens up for grabs for our favourite answers.
We received a heap of creative, hilarious responses. We hope you had as much fun writing your responses as we did reading them.

So without further ado, here are our winners!

1st — You've won 2000 SCL and a ledger

2nd — You've won 1000 SCL and a ledger

This book is leaking! #ReplaceFace@sociall_io

May 1, 2018— Rahul Mallavajjala (@RMallavajjala)

3rd — You've won 700 SCL and a ledger

This time, the book was reading me...🙄I should move on and #ReplaceFace . #decentralized #privacy

May 14, 2018— Cacique (@CaciquePM)

4th — You've won 400 SCL and a ledger

"l'd like to take (t)his... (t)his face... off!"
-Sean Archer (Movie Face/off-1997)#ReplaceFace #SCL #Sociall pic.twitter.com/cbUlJW2Ifk

April 20, 2018— JozoB (@JozoBonacic)

5th — You've won 200 SCL and a ledger

Dear Facebook, more than 10 years ago I gave you all my attention, all my time and all my information. Today, you're much older and getting way too fat for my liking and it seems like you told everyone my secrets. There is someone else there...#replaceface

April 20, 2018— Gyver Chang (@gyverchang)

6th — You've won a Sociall merch bag and a ledger

You started, warm-hearted, to make a place to unite the globe.


You made a sociophobe, of all of us. These are your deeds...

You filled our feeds to sattisfy your needs.


This faze is over, the place you left us in, is a thin haze, but it's time to say #ReplaceFace!

April 24, 2018— Alex Block (@AlexBlock17)

7th — You've won a Sociall merch bag and a ledger

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

May 3, 2018— Daddy Crypto (@KhunSanchez)

8th — You've won a ledger

The Facebook last words? "Meet me on Sociall" #ReplaceFace.

May 3, 2018— Milan Seman (@MilanSeman)

9th — You've won a ledger

Using Facebook is like hitting a hole in one in golf.

There's a slight chance of scoring, (your data is used for it's intended purpose).

But the chance of missing is far greater, (your data is utilised without your knowledge or consent).#ReplaceFace @sociall_io

May 2, 2018— Jai Barrett (@jaibarrett1)

10th — You've won a ledger

Hasta la vista facebook. #replaceface pic.twitter.com/HYUn428DZI

May 2, 2018— Sven Foligowski 🇪🇺 (@foligowski)

11th — You've won a ledger

"It's not my fault! It's all y'alls fault!" he will say. #ReplaceFace pic.twitter.com/7Ubl2Ztvy5

May 7, 2018— Cem Goksel Ozargun (@gozargun)

12th — You've won a ledger

Hey Facebook! Thanks for Spying on us. And collecting data to manipulate pooling results. No more We are breaking 💔up with you. @Zuckerberg you are our Ex and @sociall_io is your NEXT! ❤️
Remember, We didn’t WALK Away, You Pushed US Away#replaceface #ReplaceFace #sociall_io

May 1, 2018— Erick (@ErickArjun)

To claim your prizes, you’ll just need to DM us on Twitter with your Ethereum wallet address and your residential address.

Thanks to everyone who got involved in our #ReplaceFace competition!

If you were not within the top 12, and you did make a post with #ReplaceFace during the campaign, you are eligible to redeem a Sociall merch pack! DM us on Twitter with your shirt size and postal address and we’ll send it off right away.

You’ve told us what you’d like to say to Facebook and with the Sociall open beta only a few weeks away, now’s the time to put it into action! Sociall is a decentralised, completely private and secure system. With our Facebook Migration Tool, transferring to a smarter and safer social network has never been easier.

Plus, with a growing community who are as hilarious and active as this, you won’t regret it!

If you have any questions regarding this post or our project, please feel free to contact us via the avenues below.

Email: [email protected]

Website: https://sociall.io/ Telegram (community): https://t.me/sociall_io Telegram (announcements): https://t.me/sociall_announcements Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sociall.io/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/sociall_io Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/sociall/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/sociall-io BitcoinTalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2100970 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sociall.io/