Ok, that's from the spectacular tea-leaf reading, and as if Trump has somehow de-escalated conflict one bit. What if Hillary won, she tried to start WW3, it failed, she went to jail, and by now people would be trying to figure out exactly how to move forward. What if Trump had won REGARDLESS of Hillary, and in spite of anything? Yeah, fucked up that whole rationale, because at the end of the day, journalists share some news, you really think that the Defense Contractors, the Governmental Conglamorates, they care who the TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE is? You think that Trump is somehow not a complete RETARD when it comes to de-escalating WW3? You think that he's not better than your Guaranteed Psychopath? You know what he said to "what are you going to do with all this money mr. trump?"... It's not world peace, it's not help or support some cause, unless that cause is more money, to which when questioned like the Drive-Through Scene in Dude Where's My Car: And then? ...
He's a fool, he's a retard, he's not "better" at de-escalating shit. The journalists on the other hand, they actually fool themselves into "waking people up" as if the people have a choice over who the Temporary Employee of a Company is, and as if with that choice even, they are some kind of Directors when in fact that Employee cares ONLY about the Company and what the ACTUAL directors and Trustees say, because the role of Master and Servant isn't confusing but obvious and can never be confused. What Am I In Denial Of? That Your Tea-Leaf Reading Actually Amounts To An Argument Over The Fact That 2/3 Of People Don't Vote, Therefore The Only Mandate That Exists Is That There Is No Democracy. (this is a republic, after all, bottom up, not top down).
Read again,
Think again,
Keep doing that until you see the bigger issue.
I'm not here to fight you. But if you refuse to look at the real issue then I can only agree to disagree.
So please read the article, I really hope that explains also to you why @caitlinjohnstone is 100% correct.
Yes, I'm glad you noticed.
Keep thinking about that as well.
Again. I know your point of view and I can see why you think that may be a good way to deal with it. Yet i don't agree with it and therefore I gave you a link with all you need to know to get the insights that you may need.
And still you are free to disagree. Just like me.
I show you reasons why,
You show nothing to come even close to convince me otherwise.
So you could even be correct. If you can convince me I'll be happy to change my mind.