Before hitting that 'share' button, take a moment to consider if what you're putting out there is consistent, on-message and connected to your audience's day-to-day world.
And remember, quality over quantity. Always.
Some brands just seem to nail the transition between the offline and online world. We love @acnestudios for fully embracing the digital era and successfully transforming their shop and product experience into a language they communicate with online.
From visually consistent cross-platform image and video campaigns, to hitting the right note when conveying their brand values (they shot Instagram's "favourite gay dads" along with their four children for the Fall 2017 campaign and featured Acne's creative director's 11 year-old son back in 2015 as the 'new face of a-gender fashion'), to their online orders, perfectly boxed in millennial pink, @acnestudios understands like no other that consistency and being in touch with the times equals staying relevant to their audience.
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