Before I discovered social media could pay you. I quit Facebook and Twitter before they started censoring dissenting opinions. Well, before they did it openly... I quit them because they are mostly fake accounts now. Not just up-vote bots like here. Fake accounts staffed by real people, make up the entirety of Twitter that is not currently fuming at the Democratic Establishment. Everyone else is either banned from Twitter or soon to be banned. Twitter can not ban Wikileak's account without going bankrupt but they can and are banning every single person who re-tweets them. Pro-Clinton Youtube videos even have clearly fake supporters in the comments. Look up David Brock and Media Matters. They are most likely behind most of these trolls.
But forget private companies...Congress is now passing laws to spend your tax dollars on Internet trolls to harass you and call you a conspiracy theorist for reading Clinton's own words, In her own hacked emails.... That She put on an unsecured server like her own dumb ass would. None of this is our fault. It is not our fault John Podesta and James Alefantis are two very wealthy pedophiles, But it is our problem. It is not our fault Debbie Wasserman Shultz rigged the primary for Clinton so obviously she was fired. It is not our fault top level DNC operatives were caught in an election fraud sting that would make To Catch A Predator look like an amature operation. But it is our duty to drain the swamp.
I use fakebook about 10 minutes a day to say hi to old friends. Twitter, I canceled a long time ago. I started sensing the bullshit coming from liberal phonies back in 68 with the anti-Vietnam protesters. I guess I started being a conspiracy nut back then...I still have my first tinfoil hat lol!
Ya, "quit" my traditional facebook habits years ago. I just go there to keep in touch with family and friends. I get my news else where, like here for some things.
How ever I did get an add yesterday inviting me to a pizzagate group which I thought was really weird, so i got a screen shot with date and time. Good post as always. ^^

I do acknowledge that fb sends adds based on my habits. So I guess it is being shown to people already aware while not showing it to people who have not been exposed to it yet or much.
Thank you, Matrix dweller. Very well put.
I can't believe how willingly the executive and shareholders have destroyed their business.
i like this post!!
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I've been off Facebook for about 6 months now and never really got into Twitter... I don't miss it at all and my life is so much more fulfilling now.
Has Debbie Wasserman Shultz ever had a "good hair day"?Nice post @matrixdweller but I have a question for you........................