I mentioned now more often that during my absence I used Instagram quite often for sharing my updates regarding the preseason. And I am still doing it.
Instagram reached 1 Billion users and is continuously growing. I like Instagram because it is simple to use. But when I compare what I feel using Instagram and writing this post for the STEEM Community, there is something which is really precious.
Instagram is already established same as youtube, but that doesn't mean that it will last forever. And they are continually improving themselves to stay attractive. Many People are trying to become Instafame and trying building a community there.
On STEEM the adventure is like a drug! Being on the road breathing this air around you which can change when you reached a different destination. Everything is still in early stages, and no one knows where this whole thing will be in few months, in a year or few years.
I am back, and the Market starts to rise. 😉 A good sign isn't it? Just kidding 🙈
Being a part of this adventure is something precious, Instagram and other major platforms can't deliver. For that, they are too established. STEEM is like a baby that is evolving, and you see every step, and all of us are hoping that our baby will grow into mature men. And if that happens, read correctly; if that happens our bonds with that blockchain will be deeper connected as never before.
That feeling I never had and have when I post on Instagram. Again I like it and I am using it, but there is not that adventure we are experiencing here.
I am so excited to see how things will turn out and I guess you're excited too?
hallo @modernpastor,
yes thats true, never go away 🤠
Ps.: wie ich sehe verwendest du die Partiko app, wie bist du zufrieden bis jetzt?
Heute das erste Mal kurz angetastet. Kann noch nicht viel dazu sagen, muss mal bisschen weiter schauen ^^ gebe dir aber Bescheid :)
I love steemit and I think a lot when I go to a place to take pictures to upload them on steemit. Instagram is used by almost everyone and they always ask me what my instagran account is but I have never really used it.
It's just the feeling of building up something together that makes this adventure so fun like you mentioned. At least it is one of the things.
And yeah, we tend to "be mad" about some things happening - But hey, maybe we will look back one day and smile about it. Nothing works perfect in the beginning. And even though some people always complain - The thing is actually working pretty well in 99,99% of the times.
Agree with you. And especially these moment are those who are going so deep. The moments when it didn’t look bright. But at the end we are all smiling 😁
Instagram is really a fantastic app. I think they have some processing methods which make photo more attractive.
That’s true :)
I agree with you, the uncertainty that we feel constantly about the future of STEEM is an adventure, for outsiders, this uncertainty discourages them from investing in this blockchain. But for us, it gives us adrenaline and motivation to believe in a better future.
I think we might be able to say that our baby has already started to walk his first steps...
They are different communities, just as the public that they own is particular in both social networks. Personally I stay with STEEM, here you can learn more about people, know how they think and you can learn a lot. Many people have STEEMIT as their own work, we are just embarking on a long journey, we are missing a lot.
Entschuldige bitte den offtopic Kommentar, aber ich wollte dich auf unser @steem.camp hinweisen. Vielleicht hast du ja Lust an unserem Fußball Turnier teilzunehmen :P
Was meinst du genau mit teilnehmen?
Richtig spielen?😁Alles kein Problem @felixxx :)
Posted using Partiko iOS
Richtig spielen !
Wir beide gegen den Rest.
Letzter Mann hält.
Würde ich gerne, jedoch darf ich das gar nicht.
A) aus Versicherungsgründen und B) Vereinsgründen.
Privat zu spielen, es sei denn es ist ein Event von Redbull ist und leider nicht gestattet. :(
Du kannst dich natürlich auch nur zum Tischtennis Turnier anmelden :)
Wär sowieso etwas unfair geworden - ich spiel viel zu gut.
Wo wäre das denn eig und wann?
Everything that happens in life takes a certain process,some radical some gradual process but what matters is your plan to achieve it . steemit will became more more better them all this social media .
I believe the process steemit is using is gradual process.A baby one day will grow to an adult.
Have a splendid day.
Wonderful said. Couldn’t foot better.
Good read !
There has everything what you want
Steemit is all fun compared to other social medias.
I'm glad you came back with great changes in the market 😉😉.
Welcome and please don't go away again.
I always see your posts on IG and your IG stories. I agree Steemit still has a certain bond that it creates with others Steemians although you'll get hundreds of likers on IG in just a minute.😉❤ Glad to see your posts here again.
Well yes buddy we are indeed lucky that we are out in here in the early days :)
While wanted to ask you I heard that Appics was out to Presale users, are u using it ?
Instagram is such an amazing app! There are quite formalities missing in it.
And as, if we use Instagram on chrome, We can barely do anything. ☹🙁