Facebook is bloody boring

in #socialmedia7 years ago

The past few times I've opened Facebook, I have imediantly closed it again..

I'm really finding that there's no substance to the content that is being shared and I haven't found an interesting post in days!


I think I'm pretty close to deactivating Facebook - but hanging on to it by a thread purely for overseas family and friends + events.

The last time I dropped off a social media platform was in 2008 when I jumped from MySpace to Facebook. My brother and sister introduced Facebook to me and I wanted to be cool like them so the choice was easy. Plus a lot of people were jumping ship at the same time so I wasn't missing out on their posts.

Now that I'm on steemit I'm finding better content, but I'm lacking my irl friends so I am finding it hard to make the full leap!

Steemit is definitely dawning on my most used website but I'm struggling to consistently find content I enjoy as I find sometimes people don't tag posts well which can clog a tags feed.
I have been trying to follow people I am genuinely interested and so far that's working great.

I also don't want to rely on the "trending/hot" posts as good content as I know there's other good content out there that's not getting the recognition.

How do you guys actively find good content under the tags you enjoy?
Have you stopped using Facebook now that you are on steemit ?

Would love to hear other people's thoughts and strategies! Thanks for reading.

Stay excellent!


Hi @zombabejoy - if you're after thought-provoking, interesting content on Steemit, may I suggest @mattclarke ? His posts are genuinely well-thought out and will make you think. Make sure you read them to the end, because he will often grab you with a 'hook', that will stifle you, but by the end, he has tied everything together, and will leave you, well... thinking!!

I agree with you also... FB is not a real drawcard anymore. Too many 'fake lives', and not enough real content from honest posters. Steemit has me!

Thanks for the plug, Steve :)
A handy trick, @zombabejoy, is to go to the profile of somebody well established and type "/feed" after their name in the address bar.
Will show you steemit through my eyes; enjoying the benefit of the work I've put in finding interesting authors.
Scroll through and follow the ones you like :)

Hey @mattclarke & @steveblucher
I really appreciate both your comments! This is a huge help and I always love hearing from aussies - as I mention, I sort of miss having irl friends posting, but hearing from aussies really makes me feel at home!

Thanks again!

@just2random @datascience and @mazzle are in Melbourne, from memory.
@aussieninja is traveling in the US but originally Melbourne too?
@choogirl knows everyone, so she could rattle off a few more.

Don't forget @kevinli
The Melbourne group is growing quickly. I'd say we'll be the biggest by the end of the year. ;-)

Adelaide's not locked in here with you; you're locked in here with Adelaide.

Hi @zombabejoy!

@mattclarke is right on the money. I'm from Melbs but not currently in Melbs but @datascience and @mslillypilly are creating a Melbourne Meetup in Feb 2018... but even if you aren't keen to join the meetup, he's very nice and super lovely and we've all got a bit of a gang going.

Aw thanks all!!!
This has been really nice of you guys! And also so lovely to meet you all! I really appreciate it !

I know exactly what you mean. I open Facebook, listlessly scroll for a couple of minutes and then come straight back to Steemit. I struggle to find good content, but when I do, it's so worth it. Hopefully, given time, more Steemians, will break their old social media habits and post great content instead of selfies and memes. 😉

Yeah you're right, the good content is really good and worth it! Thank you for the comment!
I was feeling so frustrated last night but feeling a lot better reading your comment ! Thank you !!

yeah true,

i spend so much of my time in steemit, that I almost forgot what facebook was

Did I just type faceboo? what's that? LOL

Hahaha! Love it. Thanks for the comment. I just opened up Facebook to start my day and I started watching a video and instantly got an ad! That's another problem with Facebook that steemit doesn't have!

Thanks for the comment :)

yeah, advertisement is one of the another problem of facebook,

but i think once steemit reacehs more hype, they will bring the advertisers too
until then enjoy steemit

I don't mind advertisements and the sponsored posts. It's just when they start halfway through a video. It's such a poor experience!

Dang, I wish I had some SP to give you, but alas I am but a minnow or perhaps plankton~~giggle!!
I just had to upvote this anyway because it made laugh out loud and I totally concur...FB is DOA, LOL!!!

Hahaha aw thanks! It's not about the SP! I appreciate the upvoite regardless. Thank you,
I'm SICK of it. I forgot my poor experience last night and signed in this morning only to instantly sign out again!
You can say that again!!!

Yep, Facebook has been pretty boring lately. I find myself here most of the time. Check out the teamsustralia tag to see some awesome stuff from fellow aussies.

I also love the names being thrown around in your comments. All excellent authors I assure you of that!

It's because all the cool kids are in Steemit ;-)

Hahaha exactly right!!