Hello guys,
Let's setup dtube node on windows
Required software:
NodeJS: https://nodejs.org/en/download/
MongoDB: https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/community
MongoDB Database Tools: https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/database-tools?tck=docs_databasetools
python: https://www.python.org/
VS Build Tools: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/thank-you-downloading-visual-studio/?sku=BuildTools&rel=16
Github: https://desktop.github.com/
OpenSSL Lib: https://github.com/crypt0inf0/OpenSSL-Win64
Let's get started,
Install NodeJS, Python, MongoDB, Github respectively.
Install vs build tool simply by,
Open command prompt as administrator
npm install --global windows-build-tools
You can see thenpm package details here: https://www.npmjs.com/package/windows-build-tools
Once the vs build tools installation complete, Install OpenSSL Lib
Type the following,
cd C:\
git clone https://github.com/crypt0inf0/OpenSSL-Win64
Git clone avalon & install npm packages.
cd C:\Users\{Your username}\Downloads\dtube
gitclone https://github.com/dtube/avalon
cd avalon
npm install
We are going to import the dtube(avalon) blockchain from backup
Go to: https://backup.d.tube/
Download the last entry with respect to the present date (ie. 23.tar.gz 22-May-2021 23:03 is the latest entry)
Go to avalon folder and create a new folder and name it as dump
Copy "23.tar.gz" in to dump folder and extract it here
Go back to software folder and unzip MongoDB Database Tools
Go to mongodb-database-tools-windows-x86_64-100.3.1 > bin folder and copy mongorestore.exe
Paste "mongorestore.exe" into dump folder
Press SHIFT & right click, Open PowerShell window here
.\mongorestore.exe -d avalon ./
It will import dtube(avalon) blockchain from shapshot, It will take 5 to 10 minutes
Once the import is complete
cd ..\..
node src\main.js
It will start the dtube(avalon) node