Social networks , a substitute for real life!

in #socialnetwork8 years ago


People natural social instincts meet today in artificial way , using the Internet and social networks.


Going to sea, school , holidays , concert, theater , lunch or even in some cases to the store today for some people rarely pass without being marked by the social networks. It does not matter whether it is about 140 characters on Twitter , a photo on Instagram or Facebook , for many it is essential to inform the whole world what you are doing at that moment.


We live in a time and world where people lead the saying ' If it was not on social networks , as if it never happened . Pictures share , for among Facebook friends I have only people I know in real life, with which , unfortunately, I fail to see each other as often as I'd like but with the help of Facebook with them, share a moment or considers important event.


I believe that exaggerates the disclosures photos on social networks , and how I like to learn the good news about my loved ones , so i would like to share with them the joy of his life .

I use Facebook primarily to hang out with friends who are " pearls scattered all over the world ," relieved and accelerate communication in which chat helps .

I am also a great tool to have in one place the media and relevant sources of information , and at any moment they can only go through the newsfeed scrolling headlines and get information .

The psychiatrist Goran Lažetić , an expert in addiction to the Internet Belgrade Institute of Mental Health, notes that the Internet in the beginning of its existence was conceived as a link academic population that would have instant access to useful information .


Virtual world

" Over time insight- all the power of the Internet and began its commercialization , and the formation of a new virtual world , which is like a ' jungle ' , whose main base consists of social networks ."


He said that people on the Internet and the number of goods subject to manipulation, given the large number of current information, and the rush of sensations to be won over one hundred more people, ie. "Robe".

"Since modern man in a consumer society on a daily basis alienated from nature and its biological needs, their instincts, especially social - 'association in a group" - now beginning to meet on an artificial way, and that is through the internet and social networks, "he said doctor Lažetić.

The expert of the Institute of Mental Health explains that the Internet was just a click of the connection with almost the entire world at any time, and that it is in contact with a vast library of various information (positive and negative), which has remarkable addictive potential, and leads to increased secretion of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which is responsible for feelings of pleasure.

"Exaggeration in the use of network time, the loss of control over time and behavior, to the satisfaction remained on the same level."

The trend of modern man is the obligatory presence on social networks, in order to be in constant companionship with the other, and both satisfying and their social instincts, explains Lažetić.

"Chasing 'liking, friends, companions' leads to special feelings of satisfaction as cancer which more energy is necessary in order to grow, and social networks require their energy in the form of as many set of materials - comments, photos from his life and if you continue. "


Well governments did made everything illegal and highly regulated so I'm really not surprized why people went online, it's the last place where people can freely interact with eachother and share a sense of community.


I barely see children playing outside due to all the child regulations and threat of social services taking away your kid. It is not natural anymore.

And now this Pokemon Go thing is the only way to get kids play outside. It's just very surreal.