Some research about the Social Wallet ICO

in #socialwallet7 years ago (edited)

Post Update - 2018-02-08

I really respect and appreciate the effort done to bring more transparency into the ICO.The team behind @socialwallet made a direct response most points of this post and fact.

I edited the post in order to add the direct response to the points made.

this post came to my attention and i really got interested in the Social Wallet ICO starting today. I never invest into projects without doing my own resarch, so I started digging and just wanna share some facts about it with you.As a huge fan of @buildteam today

First off, let me say - I don't wanna promote or discurage anyone investing into the ICO or not - just look at the facts and make your own mind.

Facts about Social Wallet ICO

Fact #1
According the website, the CFO of Social Wallet named Ken DiCross works as an advisor @buildteam, so it explains the partnership agreement and promotion with each other. Since @buildteam has a very good reputation, the Social Wallet ICO looks like serious business on the first look.

Response from Social Wallet Team:
Yes, it has been stated everyone that I was involved in Buildteam before Social Wallet. I was actually the Business Development Manager. Now, an Advisor. That should be a positive attribute in everyone's minds. Also, Buildteam didn't have to support us at all. In fact, they are sticking their neck out BIGTIME to support a new company and technology. Do you think they agreed to all of this without dissecting our technology to confirm it is legit and, from a company standpoint, that we are rock solid. Its silly to think they didn't do their own due diligence. They make their living off of Steem. Why would they jeopardize that? There is no other answer except for that we are legit and the next big thing in crypto!

Fact #2
I couldn't find the Social Wallet on any Website, that usually doing ICO reviews for interested investors like or Since i haven't heard from this project before, I deceided to dig deeper.

Response from Social Wallet Team:
There is a VERY good reason you cannot find us on ICO sites. We have an outstanding legal team who is guiding us through the process of getting through the token sale without violating any SEC guidelines. We are a US based corporation doing a token sale. Very rare. So with that in mind, we can't portray ourselves as an investment. We are only focused on the amazing tech we have created and how great the functionality is. To use ICO promotion sites is a giant red flag to the US government and you should be MORE scared if we turned a blind eye and disregarded that key guideline.

Fact #3
The domain was last time registered on 2017-11-13 by David Hunter who is member of the staff. So the website seems to be recently created. So far so good.

Response from Social Wallet Team:
Next for the domain name. We were set on a name that was not used yet. Later, we stumbled upon an ICO that was further in the process than we were that scooped the name up. Hence, we had to find another name and register the new domain name. Nothing scary there.

Fact #4
According to this link, there was a job post on just 6 days before the ICO starts:

Response from Social Wallet Team:
Next, an Upwork ad. Yeah, our developers are KILLING IT with the actual platform so we wanted more bodies to help develop the front end of our website. That was before 2 key moves. 1. We partnered with a tech firm. 2. We partnered with BuildTeam and have complete access to their team as well. Still nothing scary. Actually, more awesomeness

Fact #5
About 2 weeks ago there was a logo contest on and that's where a logo for this project has been born.

Response from Social Wallet Team:
The logo. We've had 2 logo contests for Social Wallet's logo. One earlier than what you posted. Again, this goes back to the change in name we had to do because of the other ICO.

Fact #6
The website doesn't have any imprint or anything else which covers the legal company behind the project. Just a name "Social Wallet Inc" - that's all. The same goes for the whitepaper.

Response from Social Wallet Team:
Our company. We are registered in Delaware as a C-Corp. Fact. We did this because everyone in crypto can be suspect and we wanted to show all users we are being as transparent and upholding of all US laws....WHICH, btw, inherently covers users who purchase our tokens. Is that scary? Nope. Its awesome for everyone!

Fact #7
The website lacks of content, there is just the Frontpage, Whitepaper and an ICO GUI, which could be a third party solution.

Response from Social Wallet Team:
Actually, the website is great. We encourage everyone to go to to check it out.

Fact #8
According to the whitepaper the blockchain tech is a bitcoin/dash fork with staking mechanism which will result in additional tokens created on top of the tokens, sold in the ICO.

The Social Wallet Websites states, that circulating supply will be 250,000,000 WIRE from the token sales. According to the whitepaper additional 256,679,280 WIRE Tokens will be minted with the POS mechanism.

Response from Social Wallet Team:
It is a Pivx fork where additional staking and masternodes are available. How great is it that you can stake and masternode for MORE tokens? Again, awesome.

Fact #9
There is no minimum target for the token sales, which brings up the question what happens if not enough money will be gained in order to finance the project, since the whitepaper clearly states "No Cancellation and No Refund".

Response from Social Wallet Team:
Your statement about a minimum target is irrelevant. Our platform is ALREADY BUILT. That means we aren't using funds to develop the platform. People could only purchase $1 and the platform will still go live. The money isn't used for that. You are still thinking like a traditional ICO. This sale is for our Utility Toke called WIRE. Our sale is for ACCESS to the platform. Not development. Crucial point there. Still not scary.

Fact #10
Last but not least: No proof of any code have been given. At least a link to a repository with the blockchain fork would be helpful, in order to verify the work the team has done so far (even if it's not production ready).

My personal conclusion

Looking at all those facts combined, i won't put any of my money into this project.

What scares me most, is the fact that the ICO seems to be rushed, and major preperations like the website was created just a few days ago. Like usual investors are motivated to make a quick deceision while the early bird bonus tokens are granted.

Response from Social Wallet Team:
This has not been rushed. We have been working on this project since July of this last year when Luke, our developer, finally cracked the code on how to integrate through all social media. And lets be clear. EVERYONE has been trying to create this technology. Just look at Reddcoin, which we like, but is a clear example of a 4 year project that hasn't gotten there yet in terms of what we have been able to create. Its going to be one of the premiere platforms in cryptocurrency.

Thank you for the opportunity to respond to each issue. I now feel our users will be even more excited about our company and will purchase more tokens because of it.

I really did this as objective as possible - so don't be mad at me.
If you think this post was helpful feel free to leave an upvote.

Let me share your thoughts in the comments.


Great fact checks! I think many people get excited over a new ico and forget to do the do diligence. Also how a lot of people get ripped off. Scammers are everywhere and Crypto is sure to be target of many schemes as more people become interested and not knowing which resources to believe. Facts are the best! I also find it strange that @socialwallet made a comment to someone who commented on your post but didn't bother to leave a comment on your post. Not saying they need to defend, but acknowledgements go along way in business.

nice post

Upvoted ☝ Have a great day!

I think you've convinced me to wait this one out a bit. Thanks for the info.

Excellent information, you are very good in search and validation. I agree with you

hi regards follow me ya

I am looking for @roomservice, any way to contact him!

 7 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

Those were not removed because of your promise. Those were removed once I realized someone from our team was the one who did it. While I believe your comments are not constructive, they were in no way worthy of a flag from a member of our team. Although the F bomb you dropped was borderline. Like I said, I may not like your comments but I have been on Steem a long time and understand the code of conduct for letting opinions have their voice even if we do not agree with them. For that we apologize. Since SocialWallet doesnt have any SP yet I'll use Coinhawk and give you an upvote as a show of good faith.