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RE: The Rituals Embedded in our Psyche

in #society3 months ago

So beautiful, and impactful! Wow. If your personal belief is that people are innately religious, what does religion mean to you?

I'm not an expert on religion, nor do I have much experience in that world, but what seems clear to me is that religion was almost always linked to community: gathering together, collective rituals, giving back, service, a sense of shared purpose. I wonder what society would look like if we had a strong sense of community without all the religious zealots in all their different forms throughout society.

To me, community means more than something sentimental. It's about reviving local power. The restoration of public lands and public institutions. More public spaces to gather in our cities and towns, and less corporate takeover with housing and business. More infrastructure for sharing/gift economies. And so much more...


I see religion as technology that taps into our biopsychosocial mechanisms to synchronize our activities and progresses in the context of community. This tech is embedded in us and seeks expression even in the absence of its community context. Learning to harness this inner technology may be the key to building a better world together.