Day #002: Which Forces Rule the World?

in #society8 years ago

This is Day 2 of my 100 Day "Bring Value to the Community" Challenge. This is for entreprenuers, managers and CEOs.


They're all around you!

Can you see them? Can you feel them?

Relax, we're not talking about invisible aliens. We're talking about systems.

Unlike invisible aliens, these systems really do influence so much of what we do every day. Whether it's driving to work or running errands with the family, think about all the systems that affect you.

The traffic on the highway, parking lots, fossil fuel price, the social systems of communication and even language.

Systems are everywhere, but once you see it and start to think about you can flip the script

The World is a logical system not a chaotic mess

Do you ever feel like you are just a helpless grain of sand in a dust storm of chaos beyond your control?

Well, it's not chaos that rules the world, but an underlying inherent order, even if we can't always see it.

This is because systems, i.e., multitudes of diverse parts all working togehter to accomplish a single goal, are inherently inclined to stability and efficieny.

When there is chaos or dysfunction within a system, it is largely the result of human flaws. Whereas systems tend to run smoothly, human beings are inclined to make mistakes. Unsatisfactory outcomes aren't the consequence of fate or bad luck, but rather are proof of our ability to exert our influence on processes.

Moreover, our assessment as to whether systems are functioning as they should is largely subjective, since what qualifies as a "positivie outcome" depends so heavily on our perspective.

You see, you're not just a grain of sand, you have influence, and can wok the system to your advantage.

STOP agonizing over systems that are beyond your influence

Nearly everyone has at some stage sunk to a point where they felt that they'd never achieve their dreams because the game is simply rigged against them. This mindset ensures that you'll never geht the change you want!

Yes it's true:

No person has total control over all the systems that affect their life. There's nothing you can do about it, so just f****** accept it and MOVE ON!

While you can exercise your right to vote in a democracy, the overall result will be out of your hands. Your vote is just one among many, and complaining about it does nothing to change this fact.

That doesn't mean you should scorn democracy ;)

There are, however, many systems which are under your direct command. You have only to take charge of managing them to make things work in your favor.

**Most things don't go the way we want because we don't EVEN TRY to change their outcomes. Consider, for example, girls, income streams, friends, personal growth and more. If you believe that you're truly powerless, then you might stop LIVING.

And that's definitely not going to advance your cause.

This is the hand you've been dealt. Start f****** playing it!

Leave your thoughts in the comments, or do me a favor an share some upvote love with me. You help me to keep me motivated on my journey, either way I am happy that you support me! ❤


Where there is love there is life.

- Mahatma Gandhi

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