Your point about the state being responsible for state-level politics is valid - however, the state is comprised of its citizens. And, for example, if you are a military age man in good health and advocate that your state enter into a war, it is not unreasonable to expect you to enlist, now is it? Same here, more or less.
And what do you think should be criminalized?
Either I don't follow you or you've missed my point. Let me restate: celebrities are acting as public policy influencers (the state) not calling for direct housing action by private citizens, themselves included.
It should be a criminal offence to bribe government officials, and that includes loop hole "donations" and the like.
I thought I did get your point, at least to some degree.
The thing is, celebrities are influencers - and that is the main mechanism they employ, not so much the financial infusions, whatever they may be.