By natural instinct, every species on our planet fights for existence. Through competition and natural selection nature keeps evolving while staying in balance. Everything in our universe works circular, everything comes and goes, nothing stays for ever. Every species competes but nature always stays in equilibrium. This has always been the case until humans took over the earth. We have evolved so quickly and grew so fast, that we out-compete any species on the planet. We are capable of doing so much that we no longer have to fight for our existence. However most of us are still stuck in this natural instinct which has now translated itself into a constant battle for a larger slice of the cake. We are still in a linear mindset which only things about what comes to us instead of what goes around. Almost our whole society and capitalistic system is still built around this idea. “What can I do to get more for myself?”, Instead of “what can we do to create a better live for all?”
In our current society, it is almost inevitable for companies to pollute the earth and violate human rights. If they don’t, they will be out competed. If a politician doesn’t lie, he won’t be elected. If a scientist is unbiased he won’t be funded and if a journalist does real research it won’t be published. Our whole financial system is rigged and will inevitably bring the whole world further into dept. In our current system it is inevitable that the poor get poorer while the rich get richer. We are indoctrinated to consume more while we should be consuming less. We grow exponentially in consumption as well as in population and are driving our earth increasingly out of its equilibrium. We have become so good at fighting for our existence that we are literally on the verge of destroying ourselves and most live on earth.
However, lately we have become more conscious and are starting thinking more inclusive. More and more people now start seeing themselves as part of a complex and circular connected system. As we no longer see ourselves separate beings we try think about more than just ourselves. We are in the middle of a paradigm shift from a linear to a circular mindset. When we want to buy something, we are now starting to think more about its background, instead of just the price. Where does it comes from and where does it goes, is what we increasingly ask ourselves. We have interrupted nature’s circular systems and now have to design new ones. However while consciousness is evolving and we are starting to see the need for change, our whole system is still built around the old paradigm of just thinking about ourselves. Therefore, we have to reinvent our society to align with our new paradigm and bring the earth back into equilibrium.
I believe that in order to change something you first need a better alternative. Most people who are aware of the failing of our system mostly just complain about all the problems it brings, instead of thinking about solutions. For this reason I created Circularitylabs, a discussion platform created to discuss societal problems and come up solutions together. Circularitylabs will be a blog, forum and community in which different kind of people can go in open discussion about the real challenges we face today. Through good reasoning with a common vision in mind, we can eventually agree on certain solutions that would work better for everyone. Solutions that serve the whole world instead of just a small group of people. Having better alternatives in mind we can now be in favor of an alternative system, instead of just being against our system.
We will discuss topics like basic income, privacy, block chain technology, consumption, banking system, health, education, government etc. I want to discuss both current problems and existing solutions as well as possible future problems and solutions. Everything of interest when thinking about a better way of running a society will be discussed. Since it will be a group effort, I invite as many people as possible to create an account on www.circularitylabs.com (2 clicks with social login) and join the discussion in our forum! Also anyone who creates an account can write a blog post on Circularitylabs, with credits to the author (and link to the steem post) so we can all share our ideas and knowledge. Are you a dreamer with a lot of ideas? A realist ready to crack down ideas with good arguments? Or a specialist that knows a lot about one related topic? Create an account, share your vision and design the world you want to live in!
Follow me on steemit, like the Facebook page and fill in your email on the website to stay up to date with this project!
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