The Challenges Of Living In An Unjust Society As A Physically Challenged Person: A Personal Experience

in #society8 years ago


photo of myself being assisted by a good Samaritan who lives nearby to clean up the mess

Hello Steemians...

Thanks for checking on my page. I appreciate this and I can only welcome you to yet another interesting episode. may be wondering the reason behind the above choice of topic. Well my experience in the morning today motivated this article.

When a society is inhumanely indifference to the plights of her disabled community... Where those who are purportedly saddled with the responsibility of protecting you can turn around to violate your rights even as a disabled in a broad day light and no one would raise an objection! Where majority of the physically fit fellow compatriots think that you are of the same physical strength with them and therefore can compete with you even under emergency situations with no regards or preference... A society without a functional Disability Act, where national jobs are only reserved for the physically fit! When you live in such a society, dear Steemian, maybe you will understand where I am coming from.

August 15, 2017 made it exactly 8 years since my stint on crutches, following my unfortunate involvement in an auto accident. However, What happened earlier today made me to shed tears for the first time in well over 10 years. You can imagine the circumstance that brought tears to the eyes of a 33 year old fully grown man. How inhumane can a people be?

There was heavy rainfall in a city where I live. As a result, there was traffic jams almost in all the major roads. This created scarcity of Commercial busses and a crowd of people at bus stations. Any bus that managed to waggle its way to the station was always rushed at by mostly able-bodied waiting passengers. First bus arrived, boarded and left. Second bus, third, fourth and fifth bus and I was still there!

Not that I didn't want to board any of the busses but I certainly cannot put up the amount of effort that was involved in securing a seat because there was a rush and I know this people; they wouldn't mind trampling on you and your crutches to get going. After waiting for some time, I spoke to about 6 persons to assist me and secure the front seat since that's the only place I can sit and I was running out of time having waited for over 3 hours. Some didn't utter a word; others replied that they cannot guarantee that based on the situation at hand.

*I nearly fell inside this dirty gully amidst the melee*

I felt very bad, damned the consequences and decided to take the bull by the horns and secure a seat for myself. Afterall I used to be fit, I wasn't born disabled. Just immediately, a bus pulled up and everyone made for it. I quickly limbed towards the front door. In the process, l was pushed off balance in the melee that ensued, leaving my support (crutches). I fell like a sheet of paper released into a raging wind. And almost fall into a dirty gully. A good Samaritan who is resident within that locality consoled me and got me a bucket of water to wash off the mess. I returned home thereafter having lost interest to continue the journey.
That was my experience today, an encounter that brought tears to my eyes. This is what we face everyday in this part of the world where no preferences are accorded those living with permanent disabilities. From employment denial, social relegation to physical assault even by soldiers in uniform. The manner of abuse has no limits!
Remember, I am only physically challenged to a certain extent and not in every respect, and of course definitely not a crippled. However, if a completely crippled man can be viciously abused in most inhumane manner by the state soldiers in a broad day light, that alone speaks volume of societal indifference to the plights of this group of people. The video below shows a crippled man being abused by soldiers for wearing military camouflage! Just that! You can see the substance of their excuses for descending on the poor man - can anything ever be more flimsy!?
*Soldiers assaulting a crippled man at Onitsha, Anambra State, Nigeria on 7th Feb., 2017.*

Video credit

I can go on and on and cite cases. What my people fail to understand is the fact that creation is a continuous process. You may wave bye-bye to a dear one now and in the next few minutes you hear that the same person was involved in an accident and died. Now, that is a type of creation called demise. It might be that the person fractured a bone; that's creation. So that you're fit is not by your own making but by sheer luck and His grace. As you continue to enjoy this bounteous privilege, learn to treat those who are not so lucky with respect and honour.

It is my ardent prayer that you will never live to experience the fate of my comrades on crutches. Thanking you for reading and kindly UPVOTE and RESTEEM this article.

Same Naija Boi,


Hi @eurogee! @iron-rode is sending you 0.1 SBD tip and @tipU upvote :)

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really sorry about that experience bro, it is the world we live in everyone is basically concerned about themselves and nothing else.

Bro be strong, be very courageous and in the power of His might. You're never alone... for this is The Spring Time of your life. I love you!

Thank you

Very touching write up. It's just unfortunate that the society today, careless about the disabled.

No one knows tomorrow.

Be strong brother. God is with you.

I am strong. Thanks for checking

I'm sorry for your circumstances and applaud your bravery. Thank you for sharing your story. No matter where we live in the world, there is good and there is bad. It helps to focus on and encourage the good so that it can grow. If I were there, I would always help you. And anyone else in need. We need more of this in our world.

Thanks for your opinion. However my condition really does not deserve to be sorry about. I am only challenged to a certain extent and can do most things. Thanks a lot

It is unfortunate to see disabled children being flogged in this way

When a military cannot fight terrorism, they resort to dealing with civilians.

I feel you pain bro tip!

@Iron-rode. Ur gift is well appreciated. Thanks and thanks and God bless you awesomely

As much as I hate this , these acts are so rampant in my society
How can we attain a clean and free society.
Reading this , tears drop I can't imagaine rushes
I feel for you and i cannot understand you fully but I understand some bit
I pray we all survive
What a cruel society !!!!

That's our society for you bro. Thanks foe

I just shared that on my facebook page
These acts has to stop !!!!

I'm speechless. God is our strength bro

What a story. I like the fact that you dont let the challenge be a challenge to you, you always stand up tall in all your endeavour, and excelling in all aspect, even better than some so called able bodied. I admire you a lot.

@Cute dictates you're one in million. Thanks for your independence words

Hmm... My brother, it indeed is a pathetic story, but don't let it get to you. I see you as someone tough enough to overcome, not to be easily weighed down.

I cannot be weighed down. Use to our society. So i'm perfectly fine. Thank

Very pathetic, please don't allow it to weigh you down. I pray that you will soon drop crutches.

Appreciate your prayer a lot. Thanks bri

Jesus Christ! I felt like shelding tears 😢. What a nasty experience, though you might be physically challenged to a certain extent but thank God there are people that are eager to have the type of wisdom and inteligent you posses.

The society and environment might not be friendly to the physically challenged and disabled but you are still love, cherished and cater for by the supreme God and most people like me that know your worth.
Don't allow your nasty experience to hold you down or deprive you of your joy, believe that no matter what, you are still better than millions of people out there. You are not alone my brother. Much love from me👬💖

You such a motivator. Moved by your kind words. Thanks

I can't believe people can be this cruel but knowing how Nigerians can be I understand what you are saying bro. Just remain strong and courageous. God is on your side.

Nigeria? Mtwwww. Nice write up shaa so touching

I am always relate this, animals don't behave like we do, we need to take a cue from them , sorry for what you passed through.

Thanks Sis

This is really sad and I cannot say I am surprised as I am aware of man's wickedness. Very sorry about the bitter you had to taste.
Keep your head up bro, things can only get better. Always tell yourself that, disability is the new ability, just as abnormal is the new normal.

This is epic! Thanks

Man, Cheer up and just KEEP YOUR HOPE ALIVE!
God still remains the God of all flesh. There is nothing He can't do. He is the God of all possibilities. Don't give up on yourself.
Just cooperate with God and the miraculous will happen.

I just started a series "HEALING THERAPY"
Kindly go through it. It will help a lot.


Okay @oniraphealeu. I never given up on myself. I show this in character. Thanks for your views. Will sure Check your blogs.

The sad reality of my dear country! Many things are taking for granted in this part of the world. Those with any form of disability should ordinarily be given first class treatment. Little did the government and able bodied people know that 'no one knows tomorrow'. It is well with you brother.

Splendid opinion. Thanks

This is definitely heartbreaking, my dear friend and dear brother. Humanity seems to have suddenly become shortsighted, thus lacking good vision about the most important things in life while focusing on trivial and insignificant things. I just hope humanity awakens from this deep slumber is able to regain it's sight, sooner rather than later. Your immense strength and courage also continues to strengthen and motivate us my brother. God bless!

Your kind words are tonic to my soul. Thanks very much

Heartless soceity. Or is it generation of vipers. God have mercy and sustain the weak. However, let the weak say I am strong. Be strong brother.

Thanks brother

Loving the visuals and the effort you put into your content in this post. Really cool to see. Keep up your hustle :)

Go Africa! Talk soon.

heyy this is great. keep it up

This is really touching; i am glad that your strength surpassed the weakness. You will always soar higher bro

The struggle you undergo daily is better experienced than imagined. I was on cruthes for a couple of days and used a walking aid for 2 full months when I had difficulty in walking. Mysteriously, my right leg got sprained and the knee cap shifted from the normal postion. The excruciating pain was terrible. Now, that is little compared to the fracture that you sustained due to a car accident.

better care for Nigerian citizens including the physically challenged, may never be seen if the affected citizens do not find a way to get to the corridors of 'power'. A second way to work around this would be to evolve, and find ways to make your life easier by maybe saving towards buying an automatic car that can help move you from one place to another without having to struggle for bus with those insensitive people. Be strong, my brother. God is your strength. Stay positive, despite all the challenges. Most importantly, never give up! I am really sorry about what happened to you, @eurogee. Our general attitude in Nigeria towards people who are physically challenged is nothing to write home about. I may be wrong, but I think it stems from ignorance of what it feels like to be in that condition, so they cannot really empathise. The discrimination is unnecessary! Unfortunately, the change we seek for-


Nigeria doesn't recognize the disabled person that much. You can vividly see this as most banks don't have ramps and most public spaces are not built to be disabled friendly. If you come with a wheelchair in 90% of banks here, chances are that you would be attended to outside as there are no wheelchairs access point.

Mehn ! Am just seeing this after 2 months. Sorry about the sad experience and what you had to go through. God is with you and nothing's impossible. Do not consider your disability as permanent(Ezekiel 37:4) no one knows tomorrow. As I said Nothing is impossible with my God, I don't know about your religious believes though. Sorry, if our believes are contrary #justsaying