Today's society.

in #society9 years ago

We are living in a world that everyone is offended by everything, everything depends on there phones for either simple to complex task, and we are brainwashed what the media and high end money wants us to hear.
For instance: what went on the past few days in our political race—Donald Trump pleaded that Russian intelligence hack into his opponent, Hillary Clinton and release the 30k emails that are still hidden, in order to help him win the presidential race. Here's the bad thing about this: the media is blowing up about this, saying that this is a "treason" from Trump and that you're asking for bad "Juju" from all of this; but no one wants to take this case and charge Trump or accuse him as a traitor. (No doubt about it, I'm no trump fan nor a Clinton fan). But if Hillary did this and on national television, she would be investigated even more, and taken to court and possibly proven guilty; or say when Obama ran and he did the same, same justice will be brought. But just because Trump has MONEY, and is a White Male and Repulican, then it's okay., compared to if a minority, black, Hispanic, women did it.; what also gets me is that in his rally's he has signs all over sayin. "Latinos Por Trump". Well first of all any Latino/Hispanic knows that's grammatically incorrect, it's Para Trump... And second it was exposed already that those "Latinos" holding those signs were whites! Straight up white people who support really? You say the Latinos are with you, smh yeah, okay. Next his wife and daughters, how do they feel that Donald bashes on women and just calls them good for nothing baby makers that should have banging bodies. Like what bewilders me is how Repulican women can go for trump...?? Or Latinos, blacks Asians and any minorities.
To be honest, with trump we are looking at a Present day Hitler with a imminent WW3 in our life times. I would rather have a lying/someone who hides things from in the White House then a hitler; plus we already have a government that lies and hides thighs from us., so another person that does that wouldn't hurt.

Another thing, how our society is blinded by the media, whenever something big, BIG is going on, the media always blocks those big stories with a huge distraction, like when H1N1 was out, or when there where Ebola cases...just ask yourselves, how are those patients that had those viruses, or the areas that were infected, how are they doing? Do we know? No! As a medical student and minor in journalism, we haven't done much when those viruses where out...we even hardly talked about them in lectures, and especially Ebola, we stated it is a (and in terms) discontinued virus. Yeah there are traces of it in the motherland, but not strong enough seeing how medically advanced we are to where an "outbreak" can happen.

Now our devices, as a medical student, I have apps on my phone and tablet that are for medical purposes, like Touch Surgery, 3D Endocrine system/muscular/skeletol system. And etc., or if you're an engineer, you have apps for that and so on. But my main point is that we see kids (feeling old saying this and I'm only 22) that they are glued to there phones; God sake when I'm out to eat, they are at the table and on the phone. When in out, I set my phone to side and I indulge into conversation. And not just kids, but my generation and older do it—we also have on our phones calculators, because if that, majority of the upcoming generations can't even do mental math! Or use a graphing calculator., when I was in Calculus 5, it was a hassle, but my graphing calculator was my friend, and i memorised the formulas and at times did mental math, and it don't fail me. But now everything is phone, life is on there. You friends? And wanna be popular? Let see how many friends you have in Facebook and followers you have in Instagram.... But being cool and popular still isn't about being with the degree and having brains. Slowly we are going into a future of idocracy.

Lastly the people getting offended about everything—I recently saw a Facebook post, a nutritionist I follow, took a picture of herself and how being healthy is working., her comments were people applauding her and majority were those bashing her. Calling her fake, with a boob job, nose job, a slut and etc. My thoughts are UGLY peoples are jealous of attractive people. Yes. Ugly, and it's a lie saying beauty is on the inside; there will never be beauty on the inside at first sight. After dating awhile, you'll love them from the inside out. Let's be honest is a fat of course unfit women who is unattractive sees a beautiful woman, they say she's ugly and a slut and etc. When a man who knows he can never get a woman like, begin to shame her and call her beauty really, just because your eh, or ugly doesn't mean you can bash attractive people, it just means becoming beautiful is possible and involves healthy eating and working out.
And last shot, women breastfeeding in public—THAT'S A NATURAL THING!! The mother is feeding her child, that shouldn't offend you, or gross you out. There are billboards that literally promote sex and you get offended when something natural happens. The hell is wrong with your state of mind