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RE: Cultural Marxism Underway: 'Our entire culture is under siege and undergoing an utter and relentless social justice dismantling'

in #society7 years ago

It sounds sort of like you are condoning vandalism. They are upset because he won and they lost. That's all, sour grapes. And things going well as a result makes them even crazier. The disorder that causes this vandalism and an increasing number of acts of violence is called TDS.


They are upset because he won and they lost.

Sometimes I wonder if you guys actually believe that when you say it. By “you guys”, I mean everyone who’s been using the same cop-out “sour grape” line since 2016.

They are upset because DT has reversed several important environmental protections already, and made Scott Pruitt, a climate change denier, the head of the EPA.

They are upset because DT has said that he aims to overturn Roe V. Wade with the help of his assigned SC judges, making abortion illegal and dangerous in parts of the U.S.

They are upset because DT has the nerve to dodge the draft several times, and then say things like “I always wanted a Purple Heart”.

They are upset because DT publicly mocked a disabled person at a rally, and constantly defamed and mocked women for their looks throughout his entire career.

They are upset because DT was known before his tenure as president as a sleazy businessman who underpaid most of the contractors that were responsible for his gawdy buildings.

They are upset because DT has had a hard time publicly speaking out against his white supremacist followers and their rallies (riots?).

They are upset because DT is the kind of guy that forgets to sign the bill he came to the place to sign.

I could go on, if you’d like. I can also provide links to back up these statements, if you’d like.

That's funny, most of the things on your list are media fabrications and of course these people were upset before he took any actions as president. They were upset before he was even inaugurated.

It's a mental disorder, I describe it in more detail here

some fake news links would be funny. I would like to see what you find credible.

Fake news! Nothing is real! 😂 I bet families were never being separated at the border either, right? Talk about tin foil hats and ‘mental disorders’, lol.

No, families were always separated at the border, yet the fake news attributes that to Trump, see how that works?

In May of this year, Jeff Sessions stated that separation of children from parents (those seeking asylum) at the border was necessary. There has never been, and is not currently, a law mandating these actions. This is a policy brought on by the Trump administration. The last time we separated Mexican families in this fashion and magnitude was in the 30s.

No, the last time was during the Obama administration. Do you really think that locking up children with their parents when they commit a crime is preferable to separating them?

If you committed a crime with your child there would you expect to be kept with your child or separated?

Why do you think so many unaccompanied minors are coming?

It is because Obama granted unaccompanied minors blanket amnesty, thereby encouraging people to send children here alone in record numbers. You can thank him for the magnitude.