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RE: The Vicious Cycle of Social Justice Indoctrination - Part 2

in #society8 years ago

The social justice movement has become the oppressive, discriminatory, sexist, racist plague on society that it sought to destroy and has the added benefits of being hyper-relativist, anti-science, untrained in critical thinking or logic and increasingly unwilling to engage in constructive civil dialogue. Isn't that grand?

Go fuck yourself. What's detrimental to society as a whole is politically motivated vehicular manslaughter by 19 year old kids who see "All Lives Splatter" memes on their social media sites and take it seriously.

There is brainwashing on both sides, but the brainwashing on the right is 100x more physically violent. You can't have dialogue when the goal is to murder the opposition.


Case in point. You do see the irony of your comment, right?