Where does Superman change his clothes now that phone booths are a thing of the past?

in #society7 years ago

Times have changed. I am not sure where I fit in anymore. This is not the 1970's, 1980's or 1990's anymore. We went from 10 cent phone booths to smart phones in a mere 30 years. I remember as a kid, I used to check the return change door to see if a nickle or a dime was in there. Sometimes, I hit the jackpot and had enough money for several days worth of candy.

I used to ask myself, since phone booths have all but vanished, where would Superman change his clothes today? I mean, after all, everyone uses cell phones today. Some people have never even seen or used a land line before.

The world is changing at the speed of life. The old school paradigm is dying. People are awake to government shenanigans and corporate censorship. People really see the media spin on events with the manipulation of green screens and crisis actors being used in false flag events. Who does not know that the stock market is rigged and that the economic data is massaged and later corrected 6 months later after everyone has forgotten or is no longer paying attention.

I guess it is just a matter of time, before people spend decades playing in their favorite virtual reality game world and only unplug long enough to bath and pay the electric bill before resuming their fake world. Who knows, the majority of mankind will probably be replaced with robots and will be surviving on some sort of "universal income" which will allow them to cosplay full time.

I can see myself many years from now telling my grandchildren that I remember the days when I used to drive my own gasoline powered car, went to work 40 + hours a week and actually used a rotary dialed land line phone. I can see them staring with amazement as I tell them these stories and they turn around and ask me what it was like to watch a movie on a flat screen TV.


A good super human future it will be

Interesting view :) Im sure there will always be work te

Superman grew into an old man, abandoned his booth, and his lofty ideals, accepted his fate, took medical marijuana, drove a Toyota, and changed into his pj's at bedtime in his cell on the prison planet.

How true. LOL