And just like that, Covid became an afterthought. Is this my final photo to mark the end of the Covid era?
Our Canadian neighbors got too noisy with their trucks and bouncy castles, inspiring people worldwide to organize their own convoys. Millions of dollars were raised within days in crowd funds. Soon after, bank accounts got frozen, heavy-handed police gave one another high fives for roughing up citizens, and trucks were taken as victory loot. The disenfranchised protesting government overreach don’t seem to matter anymore. Wow. That was close. Shut that down! People were starting to talk about bitcoin as freedom money. The police, exempted from vax requirements almost got their hypocrisy exposed. Worst, people were starting to ask how involved their governments were with the World Economic Forum agenda. VERY involved. 😬🙃😳
The growing clan of whistleblowers were already a thorn upon the prescribed narrative. People were following the money and the list of questionable officials grew. Joe Rogan unwittingly opened the floodgates by inviting doctors that had been censored for two years to speak on his podcast. The bit of Spotify chaos that followed was entertaining. Trolls attacking Barry Manilow was a novelty. And finally, Pfizer data got released (forced by a judge) last week and Fauci is MIA. Where is FAUCI?
Something big needed to happen to keep the Covid coverup in place. I was hoping the powers that be would bring out the UFOs. Instead, the specter of war came forward. No one knows how to feel about Covid right now. The news is concentrating on telling us to hate Putin, support Ukraine, and dump our vodka.
What about the 30 and counting bio lab facilities funded by American tax dollars and built in various Ukrainian cities that has US senators bickering in DC over semantics? Dangerous pathogens does not mean a plan for biowarfare? Are Americans allowed to get mad about shady political business that enriches a handful and brings harm to many?
I have several friends from Russia that are now American citizens. I checked on a dear friend this past week and his heart was broken. He said it doesn’t make sense to war with your brother.
The world doesn’t make sense. Most people don’t want to fight their family nor their neighbor. Most people would rather break bread and make peace.
The truth of what is really going on will come. People are not happy with the bullet points that the legacy media gives. Learning that officials and experts are fumbling over what role they had investing a lot of American tax dollars far from home has people questioning the government and it’s intentions.
A great deception seeks to enslave and break the human soul. Good people will question everything, bring truth to light, and pray for peace. It’s going to be difficult for the corrupt to stay ahead of the truth. People have the internet and friends around the world now. The last time there was a world war, everyone got their updates sitting in front of a RADIO. We also gathered up Japanese-Americans and put them in internment camps here in California. If you were wealthy, there was black and white television and only THREE channels. I think people experienced the moon landing that way in the 60s; radio and b&w television.. Imagine trying to get the news only through dial-up and no smart phone and the tv news conflicted with the internet chats… that was September 11. The truth will have its day. We now have smart phones and smarter people.
The powers that be are starting to lose their wiggle room to wag the dog. Don’t trust the government. Do they really represent their people? I wouldn’t be surprised if they jump the shark and bring in the UFOs. Trust your family, friends, and neighbors. We are the ambassadors of our humanity.
Nicely said.
Sounds like you and Jeff Berwick are on the same page:
Jeff had me laughing with his hopes that the aliens happen in his lifetime. Nice to see that I’m on the same page with him. I also get my news by watching what gets censored. I beat Jeff in watching Ukraine On Fire a week before him. I mentioned the bio labs to my friends a couple of weeks ago and now Israel is telling Ukraine to surrender. Two years of being mostly in solitude sure makes the truth stand out. Like Jeff, the world is making me laugh.
The supervillains of the world of going down as their schemes are not doing well and they can’t hide like the good old days. People aren’t at the mercy of the powers that be. The internet community outsmarted them and won’t fall for another “War of the World“ Mars Invasion.
Sure would be nice to see what UFOs the government can show off as their Hail Mary throw of distraction. 👽👾👽👾👽
Thank you always for your hello!
My money is on Cyber Polygon before the UFO’s.
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