Cogs in the Machine – Willing Slaves to Feed the Golem

in #society8 years ago (edited)

To survive, we need to engage in economic survivability of some kind. Nothing is free, we have to provide for ourselves. But does that mean we need to have coercive systems in place that force us to engage in economic exchanges? Can't we choose to be free from this, to live without this system, for example off the grid?

We are also prevented from being freer if we choose, as all land is owned and we must be indentured through coercive tax schemes that mean we can't live free off the land as any other animal in existence can. We must pay tribute to our masters and rulers, the "archons" (the opposite of an-archonic anarchy).

Shaped into a Specific Form (like a Golem)


Our constructibility (our ability to construct, create, manifest and generate into reality) is directed towards the available market of employment to provide us with monetary compensation for work done. True, some people create new avenues and find investors or borrow money to make it happen. But, the system is still trying to extract something from them as well, like taxes. We have degrees of freedom, but not full freedom within Moral Law.

We could be putting our time, attention and energy into truly furthering humanity and our own lives, but we are being directed, or channeled as a current, into specific directed avenues (roads, paths) towards an end people do not see. We are conditioned through outcomes based education to go along certain predetermined pathways for what we do that further the social systemic model in place.


We are being fashioned, like the clay Golem, into a certain shape or form that the masters and rulers want us to become and reflect this shape and behavior onto what society is. We are made into their vision of the "New Man", less authentic, less aware, therefore more "unconscious" in living, like a robotic Golem living out their will as our own will. Most of us don't think anarchy-freedom is possible because we tacitly accept this programmed Golem-like shaping of our lives and consciousness, of our worldview and self-view.

The masters and rulers, through their manipulation, deception and mind control, have conditioned us into a certain mold, shape and form, to fit into and feed the systemic Golem of the current way of life. We are being constructed as individual Golems to reflect and continue to construct the larger general Golem of the system and establishment. We become cogs in the machine.

Controlled and Wasted Potential


Many jobs are useless and only provide a market for imbalanced reciprocal exchange of currency in order to allow for each person involved in an aspect of the social system to continue to survive within the system. I say imbalanced, both because of wage disparity in the corporatocracy, and because of our conditioned valuation of goods and services, through advertising, that uses our attention to channel us into buying certain things.

No one can own anything outside of the system. You might think this is false, but it isn't. Even if you're property isn't owned by the banks from your debt, if you don't pay various taxes your property will be taken from you. You never actually "own" anything in the system, it's only contingent upon your continued compliance with various extortion and coercion rackets.

No one can use land to live independently, because you have to “pay tribute” to the system for the “right” to use that land. Therefore, you can’t grow your own food freely, you can’t live in your own home freely, and you ultimately can’t survive if you do not integrate into the system. Because then you won’t have any money to pay for the things that are required to live as a serf, not truly owning anything for your survival.

No one can survive outside of the system because of the coercive requirement to continually pay for the "right" to own something. Everyone needs to be involved in obtaining money of some kind in order to pay the fees to live life. They harness our human potential as universal constructors and channel our energy into their pockets.


The system does allow for a proxy of “freedom”, the freedom of exploitation, plunder, production and consumption to perpetuate the system of control. Those who learn how to work the system and its control, fulfill their desires, and get the control and comfort that this system of dependency provides. Feeding the golem of the system gets you on the top, above others, and more in “control” of the fulfillment of your wishes, wants and desires. It is very appealing for many degraded consciousnesses that get indoctrinated into perpetuating this system. They want to feed and defend the Golem of the system.

Universal Constructors to Fill Any Position

We are universal constructors. Within the system, one constructor unit (one person) is capable of being placed into a particular position as a cog in the machine or hamster wheel of control and repetition. The units perform their duties to ensure the operation of the Golem system. The units become constructors of a particular type, but any of them is universally capable of filling a position as a cog in some area.

Humans are an effective work machines. We are universal constructors for the systemic way of life to perpetuate. We still have a good degree of freedom to change things, but this is part of what keeps up the illusion of real freedom. For example: if our condition was less optimal, and we had even more oppression like other people face and have faced in the past of humanity. Then we would more easily see the reality of control over our lives, compared to the less obvious current condition.

"The victim of mind-manipulation does not know that he is a victim. To him, the walls of his prison are invisible, and he believes himself to be free."
- Aldous Huxley

Influence, indoctrinate, engender and condition a degradation in people's ability to discern truth and reality, and in most cases what results is a willing slave, happy in their servitude, living an illusion, unable to see the true condition they are living in.


The schools are outcome-based "education" centers for us to fill in positions within the system. Most people find jobs and careers within the predetermined choices that are defined by the available market of employment. We put the chains on ourselves, all too willingly, by merging ourselves into dependency upon the system. Especially when we get school loans, house loans, or other loans that put us into debt.

The Way Out

"The ultimate tyranny in a society is not control by martial law. It is control by the psychological manipulation of consciousness, through which reality is defined so that those who exist within it do not even realize that they are in prison. They do not even realize that there is something outside of where they exist."
- 'Bringers of the Dawn'

There is still hope: to recognize our potential to see reality for what it is, and work to improve it. We have a high degree of freedom, but we are being limited in our potential by the limitation in our vision to see reality correctly. If we want to change something, we first have to see and recognize it for what it is.

We can imagine a positive better way to live, a new way to exist, that differs from what we are conditioned to currently accept are the limits of our potential. We have a lot of potential. The powers that be can still be overturned by us creating new models to live by. The more people that live and lead a new way, the more the old way fades in influence, power and control over other people.


[Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

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Author: Kris Nelson / @krnel
Contact: [email protected]
Date: 2016-09-27, 7:13am EST


i don't know about your circle of aware friends but, the only people that i interact with, who are awake are on steemit. until i found this place, i thought i was living in a world completely taken over by the pod people. it has been over 10 years since i met anyone who is aware, offline. there have been a few, nearly convincing fakers, but no real people, not until steemit.

Great article! Many have different stories to tell about how we started on our path of awakening, but one thing is for certain, there definitely is a massive rising in peoples awareness. Just in the last 20 years alone. It's beautiful to see. Thanks.

The (next) eschaton is imminent, my friend. 😉

I like how—unlike many who identify the shortcomings of modern society—you recognize that manifesting change in the outside world requires we step up internally and reinforce our will to effectuate the improvements we desire.

A lot of people who recognize these limitations (like me) tend to hold a dark view of the situation. This is very encouraging and light-bringing. Thank you.

You're welcome. Thank you for reading, and your feedback, time, attention and appreciation of the work. Take care. Peace.

Why do you keep saying 'peace'? While I think your post was quite deep and I highly value peace, saying it after each post and comment kind of degrades its meaning in my opinion. Or maybe this 'habit' comes from a context unknown to me...? That's why I am asking, to offense

Peace as in "Shortened form of peace out; goodbye."

"In many languages, the word for peace is also used as a greeting or a farewell, for example the Hawaiian word aloha, as well as the Arabic word salaam. In English the word peace is occasionally used as a farewell, especially for the dead, as in the phrase rest in peace."-source

That's how it is being used. I didn't think this was an issue. Did you consider this usage before? Thanks.

Thanks for the explanation. I am not a native speaker, so I might be completely off, but to me it sounds like a thing which these aetherial mystical persons say just to sound more like "eastern philosophies".

especially for the dead, as in the phrase rest in peace.

doesn't sound really appropriate to me either. But don't worry, I just wanted to let you know how I perceive it, so you have the option to decide if you like it or not.

I think it's more of an American hippies thing.

"Peace bro."

You know? Don't think too hard about it, is my suggestion.

It is all too easy to be on the tread mill of making a living that we forget the true vehicle that enables us to get off and on to a better life. Be a thinker! Nice article.

Your article is extremely interesting, enough so that I have saved it to my computer to read it later, as I don´t have the time now for more than skimming through it I will also share it on facebook and twitter.
Keep up the good work!

Hehe, glad it peaked your interest at least! Thanks for the share ;) Take care. Peace.

"less authentic less aware" this is powerful.

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If you want to be free, you need to take the title of government.

If you want a bunch of land that isn't swarming with morons, freeloaders and schemers, you need to defend it. You need a defined plot of land, troops to protect the borders, and then you need to protect the "happy people" inside of it from all the harm that's going on outside of it.
There's a problem though.

Imagine society like those Russian nesting dolls, where each doll is just another insane government or religion, trying to enforce its rules and ideals upon those within.

Sometimes one doll, perhaps symbolically, a revolutionary "freedom doll", breaks out of another doll- They defeated their oppressor, but they're still in the dark, surrounded by another doll.

For instance, imagine if one of those middle-eastern countries, the ones mired by war, what if a large portion of their population suddenly said "We are free of Islam, and all other religions, and we have no government either. We are truly free people, who believe no lies, and are under no coercion of any sort."

Guess what would happen. If they're not armed as fuck, they'll be taken down once more.

That's why hippies failed too. They tried to stop some 1960's war, right? But they fought with peace, forgetting that in the real world, you need to be a real sicko if you want to govern people and control them.

You need to use force and violence if you want to be a serious player. Quite obvious, but I see smart people who believe in freedom and all the good stuff forgetting that, "the good fight", actually does entail a fight with extremely violent opponents.

This battle must be fought properly. Our enemies will fight it all the way, without any sort of morals getting in the way. They will have armed troops completely destroy you and any hippie-commune you try to make, unless you can defeat their troops consistently.

So unless you just want to be content with a vegetable garden outback, you'll need to plan for actual warfare, unless you don't mind your "freedom villages" being taxed.

Velice zajímavá úvaha. Jsme otroci systému, součásti nějaké společnosti. Rád bych dosáhl menší závislosti na systému, jako asi většina lidí.

Yep, yep, and yep. That is a large part of why I have started a Permaculture Project. Have to start creating another way. There's that quote by Einstein, was it? "You can't solve a problem from the same level of consciousness that created it." Something like that. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! It's always good to see others on the same basic wavelength. :)