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RE: A Simple App to Help Stop Human Trafficking.

in #society8 years ago

Thank you so much! Definitely a topic I care about as I was sort of forced into that lifestyle as a kid by my own father who forced me to take pics and invited people over to....yeah you get the idea. So yes, very passionate about this and eager for change.

Also followed back. :D


Thank you so much, my passion doesn't stem from a similar thread, but as a sex worker, I'm always on edge meeting clients because of this stuff, and I'm always carrying a knife in public.

I beg for a day that I don't have to be afraid like this.

We all have our reasons for caring and yours is very valid. It is a real concern as a sex worker for sure. I am glad you are taking precautions for protecting yourself!

I have to, I will not become one of my statistics <3

You owe me a follow still ;)

I thought I had followed you. XD haha Followed now!! :)

You're awesome. Thank you very very much and I honestly hope you love my content <3

I was just browsing your page a bit and it definitely looks like I will enjoy having you in my feed. :)

and likewise. I hope you enjoy at least some of my content being in your feed. ^_^