Yeah, it's a corporate strategy which has been brought into the classroom. In the corporate world, you're taught "Don't complain to your boss, unless you have a solution." That is purely a corporate practice that is encouraged among workers.
Schools used to be a place where you could foster ideas, question what you've been taught and learn to think for yourself. Now, they are teaching students the above paradigm which is why you might get so many comments telling you to shut up.
I'm from a generation that clearly recognizes the shift in the school systems. I was raised one way and now kids are being raised another.
We are taught from many scriptures (regardless of your religion) to speak up for the outcast, the poor, those who've had injustices placed against them and for those who do not have a voice.
I'm right there with you. SPEAK OUT AGAINST THE PROBLEM! Just because a problem doesn't have an immediate proposed solution DOES NOT MEAN THE PROBLEM DOES NOT EXIST AND NEEDS TO BE CORRECTED.
You gained a new follower.