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RE: New Libertarian Political Compass

in #society8 years ago

The word anarchy literally just means "without rulers." It doesn't mean that there can be no voluntary structures. Consent is the key. The current governments that we're accustomed rule by force, not by consent. Companies are perfectly compatible with anarchy because participation in them is voluntary. Your boss at work isn't a ruler because you're just engaged in a voluntary transaction with him and you can end your association with one another at any time.


@piedpiper, I disagree. What you said are generalities of how you see the world. A CEO can rule by force. A CEO can also engage in consent and participation and collaboration and teamwork. Government does the same thing. There does not need to be a difference between how a boss does stuff with how government leaders do things. It is the same thing or can be. A boss can be a ruler and a ruler can act like a boss. It goes both ways.

No, A CEO cannot rule by force because his employees enter into their position voluntarily and are always free to leave. It's a consensual agreement, not force. Government laws are backed by the threat of violence (theft, kidnapping, imprisonment, assault, and murder).

Kids grow up and they leave too. The husband and wife come together via a consensual agreement, something like a legal contract and commitment and smart contract, a thing we call marriage, and when a father is too bad, maybe like seen in the movie Mr. Doubt Fire starring funny comedian actor Robin Williams, and if the father is maybe too bad and abusive and is like assaulting kids and doing too bad, then the mother or others can take the kids from him. You do not like government. You have personal problems with government. That is very sad. You cannot see pass your own blind spot. You live in fear and you deflect an reflect and impose your own feelings and problems onto others by saying that they fear when you are the one that fears either accidentally and subliminally or you do know that you are in fear. You can say you have no fear but you do regardless of whether you know it or not.

When kids grow up, they're not kids anymore. Wives aren't kids either. We were talking about assaulting children. Of course marriage, as we know it, is consensual.
I object to anyone that initiates violence against others. Government is an example of that but so are parents who hit their kids. The offense is the same and when you teach kids to accept violence from you, they will grow into adults who accept violence from others like the church and state. You're raising them to be unintelligent servants rather than free and sovereign individuals.