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RE: Getting out of the Hamster Wheel. Getting into my Voluntary World.

in #society8 years ago

I mean... maybe it's the overwhelming debt that many of us in America get tricked into as a consequence of the dumbing down of education once it was firmly in federal control.

Just speaking personally, but until I actually bought bitcoin and, a month later found Steemit, I didn't actually see a way out of the debt without ruining a co-signer. It's a quite literal prison, and nothing to feel ashamed about.

This is the world, people get tricked, the innocent get hurt. But you're absolutely right, and there's still action you can take from behind enemy lines.

I'm trying to be living proof of that, I'll keep you updated ;)


Please do. And man, I share your sentiments about Steem and crypto much likely more than you know! Godspeed, fellow rebel pioneer!