I think the criticism of millennials is just the typical garbage older generations claim about the next generation. I'm in my mid forties, my generation was supposed to ruin the world because we watched too much t.v and played too many video games. Generally speaking we turned out fine.
At a recent brunch with some friends the conversation turned to millennial bashing. I took a moment to point out that we all sounded like old people and reminded the group that: (your results may vary)
- Teen pregnancy is down
- Graduation rates are up
- Drug use is down
- Alcohol consumption is down
The millennials came up in a very difficult time (world wide recession) and may be on the fringe of generational change with regard to how employment, benefits and government entitlements will pan out. It seems to me that you are doing exactly what many of us should be doing: not counting on a corporate gig, not planning on govt sponsored retirement, actively taking control of our own financial destiny.
There are also large demographic shifts that will play out regardless of the political climate. The size, age, and location of populations shapes social, economic and political events more than many of us realize. You may collectively have a tough time for a couple of decades. Use your free will to overcome it.