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RE: A Necessary Next Step

in #society6 years ago (edited)

Nothing I said is feelings. People already get free everything in many countries and it degrades their humanity. All animals when they are fed by humans become dependent on humans and forget how to hunt. Its proven in reality by domesticated animals/zoos/signs at parks saying "don't feed the animals as they will become dependent on humans".

Universal Basic Income is a new Communism Utopia that "sounds better". There is no unlimited money to give.

The laws of nature prove that time and time again when a population outgrows it's food supply that they starve to death or stop having babies. The West has a declining birth rate for a reason, our natural instincts are kicking in.

The USA for example has 22 trillion USD in National Debt, with 250 trillion USD + in unfunded social programs. We already have Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security/WIC(Women Infants Children)/SNAP(Food program)/Free School/Free housing/Free Daycare/Free internet. Adding Universal Basic Income to that doesn't really change anything, everyone already has everything. Over 2/3 of U.S. adults are either Overweight(40 LBs heavier than they should be) or Obese (70 to 80 LBs heavier than they should be).

It is unnatural for free money to be given out, especially when already so much is given out that we cannot afford. The USA is fast approaching a time where we cannot afford to pay the interest on our loans, it is up to somewhere around 75% to 80% of all of our money goes towards paying the interest on our loans.

What will realistically happen, is that people will have to stop having kids(which is what we are doing already), and suck it up. Government always leads to centralization of power and money, and it always leads to excessive debt no matter what country you look at through time and history. Giving government control of giving everyone UBI centralizes power more, centralizes corruption more, and inevitably winds down the same path humanity endlessly repeats(the boom and bust cycle).

The more likely scenario? We all go broke and have to become indentured servants like in the old days and live on some sort of farm as indentured servants/farm our own land.



I am sorry that you feel this way also.

Nothing I said is feelings. People already get free everything in many countries and it degrades their humanity. All animals when they are fed by humans become dependent on humans and forget how to hunt. Its proven in reality by domesticated animals/zoos/signs at parks saying "don't feed the animals as they will become dependent on humans".

Universal Basic Income is a new Communism Utopia that "sounds better". There is no unlimited money to give.

The laws of nature prove that time and time again when a population outgrows it's food supply that they starve to death or stop having babies. The West has a declining birth rate for a reason, our natural instincts are kicking in.

The USA for example has 22 trillion USD in National Debt, with 250 trillion USD + in unfunded social programs. We already have Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security/WIC(Women Infants Children)/SNAP(Food program)/Free School/Free housing/Free Daycare/Free internet. Adding Universal Basic Income to that doesn't really change anything, everyone already has everything. Over 2/3 of U.S. adults are either Overweight(40 LBs heavier than they should be) or Obese (70 to 80 LBs heavier than they should be).

It is unnatural for free money to be given out, especially when already so much is given out that we cannot afford. The USA is fast approaching a time where we cannot afford to pay the interest on our loans, it is up to somewhere around 75% to 80% of all of our money goes towards paying the interest on our loans.

What will realistically happen, is that people will have to stop having kids(which is what we are doing already), and suck it up. Government always leads to centralization of power and money, and it always leads to excessive debt no matter what country you look at through time and history. Giving government control of giving everyone UBI centralizes power more, centralizes corruption more, and inevitably winds down the same path humanity endlessly repeats(the boom and bust cycle).

The more likely scenario? We all go broke and have to become indentured servants like in the old days and live on some sort of farm as indentured servants/farm our own land.


Gonna say I am typing "feelings again" when I give cold hard facts? You can't argue against what I say because you have no argument.

Get your head out of your ass, and re-read my article. The whole thing.

" A universal basic income ensures an equal bottom line for all citizens, and grants the ability for true freedom."

No it doesn't. It centralizes money and power into the hands of government even more. Government gets to choose what to do with the money. That isn't freedom.

Just because "you feel" it will work doesn't make it so, that is Utopian thinking that ignores history and reality.

Also, I am sorry you feel this way.