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RE: Back to the Bad Old Days: the Return of the Inquisition

in #society5 years ago

Why should it matter where facts are sourced? What matters is whether they are facts. The chans are amongst the last bastions of free speech online today, available to the deranged and the rational alike. I am unafraid of words, no matter their source, and devoted to the truth wherever I can find it.

As to that hero whom I admire and intend to emulate, who better than a man whose love of his people compelled him to offer his fragile person as a barrier to the iron doom coming to end their lives? You do not know me, and it is revelatory of you that you would deride my choice of heroes without any information about what I have faced, or hidden from.

Your words reveal only you, and my own, and my heroes, reveal me.

That your impotent rage is directed at me reveals you do indeed live in Bizarro world, attacking your defenders, while defending your attackers. Have a read at @perceptualflaws post today and consider who your friends really are. They aren't those that would use you, but those that would set you free.


Why should it matter where facts are sourced? What matters is whether they are facts.

My thoughts exactly. Carry on, weirdo!

Have a read at @perceptualflaws post today and consider who your friends really are.

All I saw was some novel about sexual identities, and I'm not gonna read that. Who are you telling me who my friends are, by the way? Do you know my friends?

"... consider who your friends really are."

"Who are you telling me who my friends are...?"

Why do you accuse me of that which I am actually seeking to enable you to be defended from?

You don't live in Bizarro world - you impose it.



Are you unable to read?

What power do I possess that imposes anything over you?

Why are you here? Have you nothing better to do than to beat your head against reality on my watch? Shoo.