You will live in this world and there will be no misery in your life. It can't happen. Many ask me why people around me suffer so much.
Listen, if the people around you don't hurt you, who will hurt you? A stranger from the street will never hurt you. Strangers will never treat you badly. Don't get me wrong, look no further, we know when we get in trouble, when we expect something from someone, when we expect it, and when that expectation fails, or when it does the opposite of what we expected, we get in trouble. We never expect anything from strangers but when someone comes and treats us badly we get hurt a little bit but the depth of that hurt is not too much we forget it after a while or after a while but on the people close to us We have high expectations. We believe in them. We love them. We always expect a little too much from them.
And these expectations are the cause of our suffering. The people close to us do not bother us. Our expectations are the upazila of the people close to us. The way we think about them is that we think that what we think is good for ourselves is also good for others and when there is no match between what one wants and what the other wants, we think it is a big problem and most of the time we get hurt inside ourselves. A problem may not be as big as we think it is in reality and on the other hand what we don't think is a problem is probably already a big problem without your knowledge so any problem in life if you actually do something bad don't make a decision very quickly. Think carefully about building problems and put yourself in their place. What would you do if you were in their place?
What is the problem from place to place? Is the problem as big as you think it really is? Keep thinking like this. Don't make any sudden decision. Sit alone and think. And especially keep asking Allah for help. He never wants bad things to happen to his servant. Even then, if you never find the right path, then you will understand that Allah wants to teach you something new about life. So be patient. Allah is never his servant. Don't impose anything on your child that you can't bear, so if you want to be happy in life, never expect too much from anyone because the harder the expectation, the lower the expectation. On top of that we start to lose focus on our work. We can't work with the mind. At this time we always feel the imperfection of something.
Don't create such a distance in between that the relationship will be ruined and problems will come. It is not possible to enjoy the real fun of life without problems. Allah has hidden the joys of life in the problems.
Look at the subject. No problem. In fact, you can never be aware of life. Every time there is a problem in your life, you have learned something new about life. You have started a new life. Every time there is a problem, you have learned something new. Find a chance so don't be afraid don't forget life will give you what you want if you can keep trying the right way life will give you what you want life will give you so sometimes you will feel like all the roads in your life are closed You may feel that everything is over. Believe that Allah has taken away your valuable things from you. Believe that nothing is over. Just have a little patience. Allah will give you more valuable things than this. It can't come. It can't be. The problem of life is a big problem because the problem is that you can really know yourself very well. The problem is, you can get to know yourself better
Posted Using Serey - Bangladesh