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RE: Automation, Welfare and Universal Income - Recipe for Success or Disaster?

in #sociology8 years ago

automation has grown to a much higher level where access to things are freely given to everyone

what will be the results of self-replicating 3D printers which can print a MUCH broader feedstock? Right now the cheapest and most common is plastic. High Dollar models can print metal. There are even some that are biological. Suppose a printer is developed (not if...but when) that can do all that...AND print more printers? Suppose that a filter is developed (not if, but when) that can separate the 'impurities' (one man's trash is another man's treasure) from water, air (landfills?) and use them for feedstock? Not only using solar power (or thorium?) but printing it's own solar panels?

what happens then?


I have no idea what will happen then but I am well aware of the development of the 3D printer and how it can move the production into peoples homes instead of having it externalized. I think it's possible that something like the replicator in Star Trek can be something that we will see in the future and that itself could transform the entire world from a scarcity based system to a system of abundance.