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RE: Facts About Consolidation of Corporate Power - Wealth Inequality And Its Negative Impact On Society

in #sociology8 years ago

Cool comment and interesting point of view. Let me know about your blog post.

About TVP. RBE has no state as there is no such thing as authority and hierarchy there. Not sure where your opinion came from. Nothing is also enforced there. It is voluntary system. Centralisation there, refers to management of Earth's resources and production not human affairs. It is emerging system, not established like state systems. The only authority in this system are laws on nature. All systems, we have tried so far, failed (including anarchistic), because they aren't based in science and respect for natural laws. Specifically, they completely ignore the science of human behaviour.


Thanks, I'll let you know when I get to it.

My opinion about the TVP is not due to them having any expressed want to be a state, but rather due to the inherent problems I see what the kind of centralization and abandonment of money that they propose.

The way I see it, TVP indeed ignores the laws of economics. The calculation problem being the tip of the iceberg.

Apart from that I consider the idea of "property" and self-ownership to be critically important for human beings. At least for myself, as a capitalist, that would be enough to cause me to reject the project in its current state.

If a group of anarcho-capitalists could come up with something similar (provided it was otherwise equally well constructed and not just some utopic pipe dream) and base it on capitalist economics, then I would be thoroughly intrigued.