ummm... Looking for philosophy in cryptocurrency is a lost cause in my view. There is more chance in the oposite... looking for crypto currency among moder philosophers. I whould argue there is a high chance of finding some.
That is unless you define "a philosophy" simply as a way fo thinking then there is no place without it.
BCH is not a scam, Litecoin cash might kinda be, as there currently isnt any reason for creating it, but that isnt reason enough for people wanting to. As people create new cryptocurrencys for all kinda reasons.
(you will find bitcoin pluss, Litecoin pluss, and someone is working on bitcoin cash pluss.) Want some XP? there is that too.
But connecting he crypto drama with socrates .. to me is a no. It does not fit.
I think a bit a Socrates would not hurt the cryptos. Turning vicious actors to virtuous ones is a start. Bitcoin still hasn't shaken that Silk Road incident off, hence many new actors approach with caution.